16, 2006
The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.
Those present were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chairman Charlie
Messer, Commissioner Larry Young, Commissioner Chuck McGrady, Commissioner
Shannon Baldwin, Interim County Manager Justin Hembree, Interim Assistant County
Manager Selena Coffey, County Attorney Russ Burrell, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth
Also present were: Deputy
Clerk to the Board Amy Brantley, Development and Enforcement Director Toby
Linville and Zoning Administrator Natalie Berry.
Chairman Moyer called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance. The purpose of the meeting
is a public hearing and workshop on the draft Public Nuisance Ordinance.
Messer made the motion to approve the agenda. All voted in favor and the motion
Toby Linville distributed
a list of the legal, conforming junkyards located in the County. He also noted
that the Ordinance was basically unchanged, but that he had created a matrix of
items that had been discussed by the Board. It contained columns showing what
was in the current Zoning Ordinance, the draft nuisance ordinance, and Mr.
Linville’s suggestions based on previous discussion. It was the consensus of
the Board to take public input before proceeding with staff’s presentation.
Toby Linville answered
that under the current Zoning Ordinance, up to five junked vehicles were
allowed on a piece of property.
Chairman Moyer stated
that the Board would hold public input open, in the event that anyone wished to
speak following staff’s presentation.
Mr. Linville clarified
several aspects, and outlined suggestions to the draft ordinance. Mr. Linville
first stated that the ordinance would not regulate items enclosed within a
building. By definition, a building was “any structure having a roof supported
by columns or by walls and intended for shelter, housing, or enclosure of
persons, animals or chattels”. That definition could be changed to be subject
to North Carolina building code so that someone couldn’t make a lean-to and
call it a building. Following some discussion, it was the consensus of the
Board to add “with enclosed walls” to the definition.
The Board then discussed
permanent RV setup. The current Zoning Ordinance does not address this topic,
and the draft ordinance prohibited RVs for any permanent dwelling. However, Mr.
Linville suggested allowing them as long as they were built to a standard with
permanent power, sewer and water. Commissioner Messer stated that he knew there
were people who lived in RVs, some with permanent tie-downs, and he felt these
should be allowed. There was much discussion about the difference between
permanently set-up RVs versus mobile homes, and whether this should be in the
nuisance ordinance, or whether there were other ways to deal with this issue.
Mr. Linville noted that the current zoning ordinance excludes RVs from junked
motor vehicles. As written, the draft ordinance would include RVs as motor
vehicles. There was also debate over the vagaries in the definitions of junked
motor vehicles, abandoned motor vehicles, and whether RVs fit these
PUBLIC INPUT - continued
Kay Caldwell – Ms. Caldwell addressed
the Board, stating that she had been looking at the definitions as the Board
was discussing them. She felt the Board should reconsider the definition of an
abandoned manufactured home, which might be applied to an RV. As the definition
read, if someone had an RV or a manufactured home as a vacation home, it would
qualify as abandoned.
Sharon Drake – Ms. Drake addressed a
nuisance situation occurring in her neighborhood, located on Glover Street. She
specifically spoke to travel trailers which were being lived in that didn’t
have power, sewer or water. The house next door to her had burned down, and had
become a breeding ground for rats. In addition to the living situation, the
property was used as a dumping ground. Ms. Drake stated that she was unable to
use her property during particularly the summer months due to the smell and
pest problems.
Commissioner McGrady confirmed that problems
such as this were exactly what the Board was attempting to address with this
Mr. Linville addressed
Ms. Drake’s particular situation, discussing the steps staff had been able to
take to this point. Commissioner Baldwin stated that the Board needed to
address health and safety hazards in the community. Chairman Moyer noted that
trying to use the Health Department to address such health concerns had proven
entirely unsatisfactory. Commissioner Baldwin suggested the Board create
whatever was necessary to remove that function from the Health Department and
pull it under the Board’s umbrella. Chairman Moyer agreed and questioned whether
the Board was giving Mr. Linville the tools to deal with such situations.
Commissioner McGrady
stated that he had no problem allowing RVs, as long as they had power, water
and sewer hookups. If they didn’t have those, they should be regulated under this
ordinance. Following some additional discussion, it was the consensus of the
Board to have Mr. Linville go back and work on this section in light of the
issues such as vacant versus abandoned versus a health hazard raised during the
Board’s discussions.
Mr. Linville then
addressed abandoned manufactured homes. The current ordinance allows up to two
per lot. Mr. Linville suggested allowing no abandoned manufactured homes, and
changing the definition to mean a home that had not had legal power in the last
6 months or was not properly connected to a permitted septic system or water
supply. Chairman Moyer felt that the definition should also include language
relating to a health or safety hazard. It was the consensus of the Board to
allow no abandoned manufactured homes on property.
There was then
discussion about junked cars on a piece of property. The current ordinance
allows five, while the draft allowed no more than two. There followed much
discussion about the number of junked cars that should be allowed on a parcel.
Commissioner Young suggested the ordinance allow two vehicles without a current
license plate, registration or vehicle inspection. It was the consensus of the
Board to allow two junked cars per parcel.
With regard to
inoperable vehicles under repair, the draft ordinance stated “This subsection
shall not apply to temporarily parking inoperable or disabled vehicles on the
premises of the owner of such vehicles for the purposes of maintenance and
repair. Temporary parking shall not exceed seven consecutive days”. Mr.
Linville requested that section be stricken from the draft. It was the
consensus of the Board to strike the portion dealing with vehicles in Section
3-10 from the draft.
The current ordinance
allows only for civil penalties for non-compliance. The draft ordinance would
allow the County to abate a nuisance by physically cleaning it up and, bill the
violator as a tax lien rather than using civil penalties to clean properties.
It was the consensus of the Board to allow the ability for the County to clean
up the nuisance property.
Mr. Linville noted that
currently, a lot of the junked motor vehicle problems stem from the fact that
the ordinance was from the date of approval in 2001. Any issues prior to that
were considered grandfathered. The way the draft was written, properties would
lose their grandfathered status. Commissioner McGrady suggested that if the
concern was that there needed to be some amount of time allowed for some people
to come into compliance, the Board could set the effective date out some number
of months. The County would advertise that the ordinance would become effective
on that date, and then start enforcing it. Mr. Linville pointed out that the
County tries already to allow a grace period of one to three months for people
to come into compliance. Chairman Moyer suggested those grace periods, coupled
with Commissioner McGrady’s suggestion about the effective date, would allow
people to deal with most situations.
Commissioner McGrady
questioned whether the ordinance covered abandoned stick built homes, or only
RVs and manufactured homes. Mr. Linville stated it did not cover stick built
homes. Commissioner McGrady then discussed manufactured home graveyards, questioning
how those would be dealt with. Natalie Berry answered that those would be
covered through the zoning ordinance rather than this nuisance ordinance.
Commissioner McGrady
then questioned the portion of Section 3-10 which read “Use of land for outdoor
storage of items not related to property use shall not be permitted. Outdoor
storage in conjunction with the business with a valid zoning permit must be
screened from public right-of-way or residential property”. Mr. Linville stated
that section was intended to deal with junk outside of a residence. Commissioner
McGrady expressed concern that if that were the purpose, it did not state that
it dealt with residences.
With respect to Section
4.05 which dealt with access to premises and records, Commissioner McGrady
asked if the language used was fairly standard. Russ Burrell answered that he
would hesitate trying to prosecute a violation of this particular provision as
a misdemeanor. He suggested that it read that property owner would have to
grant access if staff had an administrative search warrant. He did not feel
that staff had an automatic right to access property. Commissioner McGrady
requested that staff revisit this section and change the language. Mr. Burrell
believed staff could redraft the language to read that staff could request
access, and if the property owner did not grant permission then staff could
seek a search warrant.
Chairman Moyer requested
that staff draft the changes discussed, and put it on the April 3rd
agenda. The Board would be able to take action on that date if desired.
Kay Caldwell addressed
the Board again with respect to the way the ordinance was structured. She
believed the ordinance would be easier for citizens to read if the definitions
were just placed under Section 3, the definitions section. When dealing with prohibitions,
that should all be placed together under section 2.1. It was the consensus of
the Board to make those changes.
McGrady made the motion to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk
to the Board William L. Moyer, Chairman