STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA                                                         BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

COUNTY OF HENDERSON                                                                                         JANUARY 25, 2006


The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 10:00 a.m. in the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.


Present were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Commissioner Larry Young, Commissioner Shannon Baldwin, Commissioner Chuck McGrady, Interim County Manager Justin Hembree, County Attorney Russ Burrell and Deputy Clerk Amy Brantley. 


Absent was:  Vice-Chairman Charlie Messer  


In attendance from the North Carolina Department of Transportation were:  NCDOT Board Member Conrad Burrell, Division Engineer Joel Setzer, Division Maintenance Engineer Brian Birch, District Engineer Mark Gibbs, County Maintenance Engineer Steve Cannon, Road Supervisors Jabbo Presley and Tim Smith, and Right-of-Way Agents Teddy Green, Sandra Fox, and Dale Davis.



Chairman Moyer called the meeting to order and stated the purpose of the meeting was to conduct a public hearing on the North Carolina Department of Transportation 2006 Secondary Road Improvement Program. He then turned the meeting over to Conrad Burrell.



Conrad Burrell explained the public hearing was to receive input and answer questions from citizens regarding the North Carolina Department of Transportation Secondary Road Improvement Program for Henderson County for Fiscal Year 2006. Mr. Burrell stated Henderson County’s share of the secondary trust fund money was $3,971,136 for Fiscal Year 2006. The plan was based on that amount, and DOT’s cash availability for the coming year.


Joel Setzer discussed the unpaved roads program. The County’s share of money was based on a formula dictated by the General Assembly. That formula was changed during the last session of the General Assembly because many counties had completed paving previously unpaved roads where right-of-way was available, or environmental permitting could be obtained. Therefore, those counties were spending their secondary roads money on paved road improvements. The formula change involves a transition period through 2010 which concentrates on unpaved mileage throughout the state.          


Mark Gibbs, District Engineer, explained the program elements for the funding allocation for the Henderson County Secondary Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2006.  The balance of prior fiscal year allocations for Henderson County was $12,632,163. The first priority for that funding allocation is to pave unpaved roads if rights-of-way become available. He presented a list of 12 unpaved roads to be paved, and 16 paved roads that would get improvements.         


Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Setzer answered questions from the Board regarding the intersection of Pinnacle Mountain Road and Hwy. 225, Howard Gap Road, Tracy Grove Road, and Old Spartanburg Highway.



There was none.



Commissioner McGrady made the motion to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.





Amy R. Brantley, Deputy Clerk to the Board                 William L. Moyer, Chairman