The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the
Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.
Those present were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chairman Charlie
Messer, Commissioner Larry Young, Commissioner Chuck McGrady, Commissioner
Shannon Baldwin, Assistant County Manager Justin Hembree, County Attorney Russ
Burrell, and Deputy Clerk to the Board Amy Brantley.
Also present were: Budget
and Management Director Selena Coffey, Planning Project Director Lori Sand,
Zoning Administrator Natalie Berry, Subdivision Administrator Matt Card and
Planner Autumn Radcliff.
Chairman Moyer called
the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and welcomed all in attendance.
Chairman Moyer –
“Alright this is uh, the continuation of a quasi-judicial hearing on River
Stone’s Planned Unit Development. Before we start I’d like to uh, mention the
agenda and have an adjustment to the agenda. There’s an item we need to add for
this evening with respect to setting a public hearing on economic incentives,
and then we’ll continue the hearing. And
I make a motion that we approve the adjusted agenda. All in favor say aye.”
Aye in unison.
Chairman Moyer –
“Opposed? Okay. I move that uh, we set a
uh, hearing for economic incentives for December 15th, what would we
have it for 11:00? Is that? At 11:00 on uh, December 15th.”
Commissioner McGrady
“That’s our regular meeting date.”
Chairman Moyer – “That’s
our regular meeting date. Well our revised date.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“Our, yeah I, I understand. That’s fine.”
Chairman Moyer – “Alright all in favor of that motion say aye?”
Aye in unison.
Chairman Moyer –
“Alright that passes unanimously. Thank you.”
Application #SP-05-01, River Stone PUD
Chairman Moyer – “We’ll
continue the um, now the quasi judicial hearing and uh, I think we’re gonna
start with uh, Planner Autumn Radcliff to uh, bring us up to date on the
information that was submitted and the background and, and uh, how you wanna
proceed. So Autumn.”
Autumn Radcliff – “I’ve
got a sheet here um, this’ll be the only thing at least from me tonight that
you’ll be receiving that you haven’t seen.”
Commissioner Messer – “I
didn’t think we could see anymore.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“Thank you.”
Chairman Moyer – “Autumn
to start would you indicate what was distributed to the Commissioners and all
the parties and what was involved in that so that we have on the record
everything that was done and everybody’s in agreement. I know it’s in your memo
but if you’ll cover that I’d appreciate it.”
Autumn Radcliff – “Okay,
yeah sure. Um, the first thing that the Board would have received on um,
Wednesday, November the 23rd, would have been um, a checklist that
the Board directed staff to go and do which um, took um, all the different
sections in the ordinance and all the required findings and made a checklist of
that so it’d be easier to go through. Um, this was also uh, reviewed by all the
parties prior to the Board receipt of that to make sure that they were all in
agreement that the Board could get that outside of the hearing. In addition on
um, uh, November the 28th which was um, Monday, the Board received
uh, a memo from me um, with a staff attachment. There was a staff memo that
referred each of the finding facts from the checklist to exactly where they
could go in the previous material that you received during the hearing and
actually find the answers to those questions. Hopefully to satisfy that the
Board’s extent. You also received some um, attachments that the applicant had
sent over they wanted the Board to receive ahead of time. Um, some various
letters from uh, the City of Hendersonville, City of Asheville, the Utilities
Department, um, and then you also received a table of the acreage calculation
that was discussed last time as far as how much area was in the floodplain and,
and that broke that down. And that was also, all that information that you
received uh, was received by all the parties and approved prior to that.”
Chairman Moyer – “So the
applicant, you’re satisfied, everyone, Ms. Harkey are you satisfied you got all
the information. Had a chance to.”
Jean Harkey – “Yes.”
Chairman Moyer –
“Alright thank you. Thank you Autumn.”
Autumn Radcliff – “Um,
this that I just passed out, and also passed out to the parties, um, real
briefly is basically what I was directed um, via the Planning Director to put
together a list of issues that Staff still felt were outstanding issues that
the Board needed to either address or resolve or put, if it approved the
special use permit, as a condition of that approval. And seeing as how you just
now got this, if you want to take a few minutes to look over it that’ll be
fine. I’m gonna go through it um, pretty well in depth though also.”
Commissioner McGrady –
Autumn Radcliff – “Uh, the first item is
the buffer issue. And um, course based
on the development plans and everything, no buffer was proposed for the
development um, as far as along the perimeter boundary or between the existing
residential uh, developments. Uh, this was also an issue that was brought up by
uh. Ms. Harkey as a party to the proceedings. Although a buffer is not required
as far as uh, Planned Unit Development or a special use permit application goes,
measures to ensure the privacy and screening of the development and existing
neighbors is stated for one of the findings of fact. Staff feels that the
buffer should be required if topographical or other barriers within 200 feet of
the perimeter of the development do not provide reasonable privacy um, or if
the Board feels that a buffer should also be present. Staff support feels that
this should be a condition of the permit if approved.
The second is
the water and sewer issue. This was um, based on the additional information
that you would have received on Monday. Um, those attachments were uh, labeled
attachment B and also attachment D in that packet. There was an e-mail from Mike Brookshire,
which is the Engineer for the City of Asheville and it stated that a revised
Letter of Commitment for the Water Availability was modified to reflect a total
of 523 residential units. I know that the proposed development right now has
524, which is one additional unit than what was required. Um, that additional
unit was added prior to the Planning Board meeting um, due to a slight shift in
the parcels. I do not believe that that would make um, you know a really
significant change though with the one unit. But everything was fine as far as
the, the City of Asheville was concerned with the water. The sewer however, originally
the, the subdivision was proposed for 400 units instead of the 524. And the
original letter to the Utilities Department indicated the 400 units which they
received preliminary approval from. There was a letter in that packet that was
dated November the 22nd from Lapsley & Associates office asking their revision
in the number of proposed homes to 524 um, be submitted. At this time, Staff
has no information from the Utilities Department whether or not the sewer is
approved for 524 units. Um, approval of these plans should be a condition of
the special use permit.
The third thing was the Erosion Control Plans. Um, we have no
formal approval of the Sediment and Erosion Control Plans. Um, these plans will
be submitted, according to the applicant, to the State for its review. If the
PUD is approved, um, basically the reason behind this was uh, that if the
development changes for any reason based on the Boards decision, or any
conditions that are implied, then they would send those final plans to the
State for their approval. Um, regardless it is a finding of facts that they
have to comply with any State, Federal and local laws which is where this would
come into play. And um, we assume that they probably would not be able to do
their subdivision without the approval of DENR first. And we also feel that
this should be a condition of the permit if approved.
The fourth is the NC DOT requirements. Um, I had two meetings that I attended last
Monday and last Tuesday which was November 21st and 22nd with
DOT that I was invited to attend. The first meeting was a meeting held with DOT
staff representatives, um, a couple of re, representatives of the TAC, uh,
there were some representative of Mills River there also. They discussed not
only River Stone Subdivision, but they also discussed the other subdivision
that was going on um, on down Butler Bridge Road in the Town of Mills River.
Um, the second meeting was actually just between the DOT representatives and um
the consultant, who handled the traffic impact analysis study. Based on that
um, what I gather from the meetings. Uh, DOT feels that it will require the
developer to install three left turn lanes at each one of the entrances as
opposed to one turn lane that was proposed in the Traffic Impact Analysis. Also
DOT may request a Conceptual Design be done to see if a left turn lane on North
Rugby um, Road is required at North Rugby Road and Butler Bridge Road
intersections. Also there was some question about right-of-way acquisition. Um,
it may be necessary or possible due to the proximity of I-26. Apparently there
may be some right-of-way that’s already under the control of DOT that falls
within the interstate right-of-way. If that happened to be the case then the
developer was going to have to take advantage of that. It’s my understanding
that that has to go through DOT through a special committee to, to release that
right-of-way to the developer so that they can install some of these
improvements. Also, DOT may request that a Signal Warrant Analysis be done to
determine if a signal will be required by the developer at the intersection of where
North Rugby intersects um, Butler Bridge Road. Um, it was my understanding um,
from hearing DOT that they were very concerned with the subdivision going in and
particularly with regard to off-site improvements by the developer. And it’s
also my understanding that it sounded that these discussions would probably
take place well into the first of the year before any decisions were gonna be
made. It was my understanding also by the consultant that um, they would have
to speak with their clients first. That they could do some of these other
analysis that DOT was asking for if it was required, but that was something
else that they would have to take up and, and take care of later. Um, staff
feels that a condition of the special use permit should be that the development
and/or developer comply and satisfy all requirements imposed by DOT.
Also the final thing on that is a formal
staff recommendation of this project. Basically
staff, after reviewing the special use permit application materials for
River Stone, feel that it, it meets the proposed general standards that are
laid out in our Henderson County Zoning Ordinance and it’s in general in
compliance with the County Comprehensive Plan. If the Board approves the PUD
application, Staff recommends that the approval um, be based on conditions that
have been addressed above. Other condi, conditions that have been addressed previously
during the hearing including the Planning Board’s recommendations, and any other
conditions that the Board may impose or any other issues that arise during the
Board's consideration of the application. Staff also recommends that if the Board
approves the special use permit, that it sets time frames within which these
conditions need to be um, satisfied. And for example, a time frame condition
could be that the developer shall provide um, the required documentation such
as sewer and water, um, or DOT prior to beginning construction. Some conditions,
could be prior to um, final plat approval.”
Commissioner McGrady – “If I can ask a
question on that last.”
Chairman Moyer – “Let me just clarify. So
for the record you’re, you’re putting into evidence then the, your November 28th
lecord, letter with all the attachments, some from staff and some from the
applicant. And also your November 30th letter. Now do the other
parties have copies of your November 30th letter.”
Commissioner McGrady – “Yeah she just.”
Autumn Radcliff – “They
received those just tonight.”
Chairman Moyer – “Does
any party have any objection to these being admitted? Ms. Harkey? Okay.
Commissioner McGrady.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“Um, with respect to the last comment you made, and that is with respect to
specified time frames.”
Autumn Radcliff – “Um
Commissioner McGrady –
“Is, is that a reference back your earlier memo? Um, where you set out a time
frame for satisfaction of certain conditions?”
Autumn Radcliff – “Yes.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“And, or what you’re recommending then is uh, what you earlier recommended with
respect to erosion and conveyance of open space, maintenance and all these
various issues is that right?”
Autumn Radcliff –
Commissioner McGrady –
Autumn Radcliff –
Chairman Moyer – “Other
questions from Commissioners first? Alright, the other parties? The applicant
have any questions of staff on this new evidence they’ve admitted?”
Bill Lapsley – “No sir.”
Chairman Moyer – “Ms.
Harkey do you have any, any questions?”
Jean Harkey – “No sir.”
Chairman Moyer – “Okay.
I would then ask the applicant do you have any uh, I know you have submitted
some additional uh, attachments. Would you like to comment on those to the
Board and any issues raised by staff in their November 30th letter?”
Bill Lapsley – “Yes sir,
Mr. Chairman. Uh, appreciate the opportunity to meet again with you tonight,
again for the record my name is Bill Lapsley uh, I’m an agent for the
applicant. Uh, the Windsor-Aughtry Co, uh, Company. Uh, we have a, a couple of,
we, you have some of the things that we have produced since your last meeting
to answer some of your questions and we brought a couple of more, uh, items to
address uh, in conjunction with this November 30th uh, letter from
staff. Um, the, the first thing uh, what we’ve done to try and assist you uh,
I’ll wait till you get this package.”
Chairman Moyer – “Thank
Bill Lapsley – “What
we’ve done is, is taken the uh, checklist that uh, that staff has provided and
kind of added all of the, the comments that staff made in their first submittal
and then their second submittal and then we added our comments in red. Uh, I
don’t know that we need to go through those but I, we just wanted you to know
that we have reviewed all of these and, uh, we have no particular problem with
any of them. We just wanted you to, to know that we had read all of them and
were familiar with them. Uh, I think more specifically I’d like to, to go over
this November 30th memo because there’s a few things in this packet
that I think would answer some of these questions uh, or concerns that you may
Uh, with regard to the
buffer, uh, if you’ll recall at our, our uh, last meeting uh, we talked about
several things. Uh, buffer issues especially with regard to Ms. Harkey’s property.
And what, we’ve done two things since our la, since the last meeting. Uh one in
the packet you’ll see it’s kinda towards the back, there are some small reduced
copies, some pl, preliminary plats, and what we’ve shown on those if you can
look at the uh, kinda the footnotes, uh, the first one is a single sheet that’s
not stapled together and it, and it references, if you’ll see the lot numbers
58, 57, 56, uh, what we’ve done uh, since our last meeting uh, we have met with
Ms. Harkey and talked about a buffer along that border. And we have reached an
agreement uh, to leave an undisturbed buffer a maximum uh, if you will of 20
feet it, it actually gets wider than that down at lot 588, 589 again because of
topography it just gets wider. But we’ve agreed to leave a minimum of 20 feet
uh, undisturbed there except for a drainage swale at the top of the uh, slope.
Uh, so that was one issue that was discussed at the last meeting. In the.”
Chairman Moyer – “I’m
not gonna stop you on each of these.”
Bill Lapsley – “Sure.”
Chairman Moyer – “But
for, for purposes of uh, any order we, we make later, you would agree to that
as a condition of the uh.”
Bill Lapsley – “Yes, yes
and that’s kinda why we prepared this exhibit so if, if Commissioners wanna do
that you have something to put in the record.”
Chairman Moyer –
Bill Lapsley – “Uh, the
second group is a stapled sheet and there’s uh, three sheets there. Again these
are the preliminary layouts, the same that has been in the record. Uh, what
we’re showing here are the entrances, the three locations, uh, with the berm,
proposed berms, earth berms, at those entrances to show you where we propose
that those be placed. Uh, those are areas that uh, uh, we feel like some
screening for privacy is, is uh, certainly good for, for the community as well
as the lot owners that are there. So wanted you to have that.
Uh, the other issue with
regard to that, you should have a, some pictures. And what I’ve done um, I, I
took some pictures out at the Livingston Farms project, which is very similar
to what this one would propose to be. Uh and the, the num, pictures are
numbered in the upper left hand corner. Picture three is the entrance to uh,
Livingston Farms off Jackson Road. Uh, and I guess the point I’d try to make
here is if you look right over the top of the fire hydrant there, which is
kinda in the center of the picture, the yellow post, uh there’s a green berm
behind it. Uh, and that acts as a screen from the road and the, and the houses.
And this is similar to what we’d propose to build uh, at this facility. Uh,
picture four is a little close, uh, a more close up view of the earth berm uh,
that we’d propose to build. And again this is Jackson Road. And I guess the
point that I’d make here is that you can’t see the houses that are on the other
side of the berm. Um, certainly at street level, you have to get up about 15
feet in the air to, to see those. Uh, so that, I wanted to point those out. The
other pictures in this packet, uh, there was some discussion uh, kinda focused
around Ms. Harkey’s location where we tried to describe to the Commissioners
the relationship when you grade uh, a site and you have a slope uh, behind the
houses, uh as it, as they relate to adjacent properties. Uh, picture five and seven
uh in particular show uh, the rear view of houses in the Livingston Farm area
with the graded slope behind it. And uh, there were two issues that I was
trying to depict here. One, the house setback, uh you know we had discussed the
uh, uh, condition of a, of a ten foot setback. Well I think you can see in the
picture obviously the, the houses here are set back probably as much as 50 or
60 feet from the rear property line, and it’s due to the slope uh, that’s
created. Uh, there, the houses are about 25 feet from the back of the house to
the toe of the slope. Uh, so I wanted to uh, make that picture clear to you.
And picture seven shows somewhat the same relationship so you can see a rear
patio and, the back yard, and then the slope uh, behind the house. And then picture
eight uh, one of the questions was the uh, front set back, uh, and the uh
parking area in front of the units. And this picture shows uh, what the typical
house looks like and the parking area in front of the house for two cars and
the garage uh, in front of the house. So we just wanted to show you what, what
those actually look like.
Uh, the other
attachments, uh, you have previously seen the table. Uh, so I’d, if you have
any questions I’d be glad to try and interpret that for you.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“Is that the attachment E?”
Bill Lapsley – “Uh yes.
I think we gave that to, to staff about a week ago.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“I, I found this really useful but let me make sure I understand it. Um, line
one is the PUD allowance under the most uh, liberal interpretations assuming
no, no uh, flood or plain or anything, just if it were somewhere in the
Bill Lapsley – “That’s
Commissioner McGrady –
“Um, then, then, assuming you’re gonna fill the, the maximum possible would
give you that number.”
Bill Lapsley – “Well I,
could I interrupt?”
Commissioner McGrady
–“Yeah go ahead.”
Bill Lapsley – “We’ll as
we read the ordinance under uh, under the flood ordinance, the Commissioners
have the right to allow under whatever conditions the Commission feels like is
acceptable, you have the right to fill 100 percent of the flood fringe. We
wanted you to know that if you, we’re not asking for that, but if you were to
approve that, then that’s the hundred percent flood fringe fill.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“And then, the third one is your request, the second is, the under the present
ordinance, and the fifth is assuming that there is no fill at all. Um, the, the
total developable acres there um, I guess I just hadn’t focused on this but um,
you are proposing to develop less than what our flood ordinance would allow by
six acres or so.”
Bill Lapsley – “Right,
that’s correct.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“Um, but just put more units on it.”
Bill Lapsley – “That’s
Commissioner McGrady –
“Okay. I hadn’t thought about…”
Bill Lapsley – “… on
the, on the area that we’re actually developing.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“I, I really appreciate you’re uh, putting this together and actually showing
the whole thing. It uh, puts it in, in uh, real perspective. I appreciate
Chairman Moyer – “Anybody
have any questions for Mr., Bill I’m sorry…”
Bill Lapsley – “No I
just uh, wanted to mention the last uh, you, there was some questions about the
lot dimensions and where the house sits and how the setbacks may work and we
tried to give you a typical lot and where the house goes uh, and, and how it
relates to those set backs. Uh, tho, that’s the handout package. Mr. Chairman
whe, if it’s appropriate we’d just comment about the November 30th
Chairman Moyer – “Let me
uh, just for the record, all of what you’re, being submitted, I’m not sure how
we’re gonna identify Russ but all of this information will be part of the
record. Uh, do any of the parties have objection?”
Autumn Radcliff – “No.”
Chairman Moyer – “Ms.
Harkey do you have any objection to this being part of the record?”
Jean Harkey – “I have a
question for Mr. Lapsley.”
Chairman Moyer – “Do you
have an objection to this being a part of the record, what he just?”
Jean Harkey – “No.”
Chairman Moyer – “Okay,
well we’ll admit it as part of the record, and go ahead and ask your question
Ms. Harkey.”
Jean Harkey – “Uh, you
said that you agreed to a 20 foot setback along all the properties, uh, lots
seven, eight and nine of …. Is that correct?”
Bill Lapsley – “I think
we uh, you, you.”
Jean Harkey – “20 foot
Bill Lapsley – “You’ve
seen this.”
Amy Brantley – “Mr.
Chairman? Could ask Ms. Harkey to come to the microphone so I can pick this up
on tape?”
Chairman Moyer –
Amy Brantley – “Thank
Chairman Moyer – “The
question was with respect to the buffer at the backs of lots, 588, 89, 87, 86,
Jean Harkey – “Correct.
20 foot setback.”
Bill Lapsley – “Un,
Jean Harkey – “Undisturbed.
With the exception you said of a swale. Now how can you construct a swale on
top of that if you’re not gonna disturb it.”
Bill Lapsley – “Well we,
what we have to do is right at the edge of the 20 foot section we’ve got to do
a drainage.”
Jean Harkey – “Well now
how wide is that gonna be?”
Bill Lapsley – “Three or
four feet. So, enough to catch any water so that it doesn’t spill over the
slope to the house.”
Jean Harkey – “Now I
can’t see how you can do a three or four foot swale up there on the top of
that. I would request, and this is what I thought we.”
Chairman Moyer – “Wait a
minute. It’s not at the top is it Bill?”
Bill Lapsley – “Yes it’d
be the top of the slope to, to control storm water…”
Chairman Moyer – “Top of
the slope and.”
Bill Lapsley – “Yes.”
Chairman Moyer – “Okay.
Okay I see what you’re saying now.”
Bill Lapsley – “Go
Drew Norwood – “So we
gotta pick up, your water’s coming that way. We gotta pick that water up.”
Jean Harkey – “Well I
thought we understood that it would be a 20 foot setback with no disturbance to
the vegetation or the trees in that 20 foot setback.”
Bill Lapsley – “Well we,
we could certainly attempt to do that if the trees are two feet away from that
20 foot. Uh, what, what I’m concerned about is I don’t have an exact count of
the trees right at the 20 feet and, and we need to be able to control the
runoff as it hits that 20 foot edge. Uh, I understand Ms. Harkey’s concern but
we, we just.”
Chairman Moyer – “You
couldn’t agree to put the swale in, outside the 20 feet so it wouldn’t
interfere with the 20 feet she’s concerned about? I think what she’s afraid
your gonna take part of all of that 20 feet once you start digging.”
Jean Harkey – “…will go
into a swale if you make a swale.”
Drew Norwood – “Just
about three feet though.”
Jean Harkey – “Well
that’s then, how many feet?”
Drew Norwood – “30
Jean Harkey – “You gave
Drew Norwood – “So we
got, excuse me it’s 20 feet from your property line to the edge of the, of the
no-disturbed area and we might have to run a three foot swale across there. 60
Jean Harkey – “Well I
understood we’d just, we came to the co, decision that you would give me…”
Drew Norwood – “Can we
just let the water sheet over?”
Bill Lapsley – “Well
we’ll deal with it.”
Several people talking
at once.
Jean Harkey – “And I
would like to request that the applicant uh, put a construction fence back
there prior to their cutting trees and starting the grade so there’s no mistake
as to where the set back line is.”
Drew Norwood – “And I’ve
agreed to that.”
Chairman Moyer – “So for
purposes of the, of the record, the diagram we have, the ones you referred to
showing the undisturbed buffer is that you will agree to what has been given to
us as a 20 foot undisturbed buffer.”
Jean Harkey – “Right.
Thank you.”
Chairman Moyer – “I’m
saying to the applicant. Now I understand you agree to it but, but does the
applicant agree?”
Drew Norwood – “Yeah,
that, that’s what she and I agree to out there last week.”
Jean Harkey – “Right.”
Bill Lapsley – “Alright.
So we would ask, we would agree on this exhibit if you would strike in the box
on the top of the page where it says except for drainage swale, strike that.”
Chairman Moyer – “Okay.”
Bill Lapsley – “And I
think then it’s, states what Ms. Harkey.”
Chairman Moyer –
Bill Lapsley – “Has
Chairman Moyer –
“Alright. Staff uh, do you have any questions for the.”
Drew Norwood – “Can I
add one comment?”
Chairman Moyer –
Drew Norwood – “Uh, I,
I, what we additionally decided to do if Bill, it’s on those drawings, but was
to come along here and add berms in every area around here where we’re not, due
to slope, significantly below the neighbors.”
Chairman Moyer – “I
think Bill gave us diagrams showing…”
Drew Norwood – “Yeah he
showed you where there were. Those are basically kinda right in here, around
here, and then up in here. They’re on there but he didn’t…”
Chairman Moyer – “And
you all agree to that again as a condition to the.”
Drew Norwood – “We
Chairman Moyer –
“Special use permit. Alright and this has been en, admitted into the record
Russ so you have, however you wanna identify it.”
Russ Burrell – “We need
copies of the pictures. We don’t have copies of the pictures. We have copies of
all the other exhibits but not the photographs.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“I ended up with two copies of them that may have been what happened.”
Chairman Moyer – “That’s
probably what happened then.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“I couldn’t figure out why.”
Chairman Moyer – “Here
Bill there’s an extra.”
Russ Burrell – “Alright
staff. Before we get to the November 30th letter, do you have
questions for Mr. uh, Lapsley or the applicant on this handout.”
Autumn Radcliff – “ Uh,
I do, I just have one, one question as a clarification. And um, Natalie Berry’s
also here which is our Zoning Administrator and was sworn in last time and may
want to address this. Um, since from an enforcement standpoint, and that was
just um, the layout that actually showed the lot lines, and everything else,
um, I just wanna make sure, my, my question always comes back to the 10 foot
from the front setback as far as where that front setback is from the property
line. Just because I know from an enforcement standpoint it’s very hard for,
when someone comes in to pull a permit, to um, to make that clear to whoever’s
pulling the permit exactly where their setback is from. Um, I would just
suggest that either say that the front setback, the 10 foot front setback is to
the edge of the right-of-way and have that really specified on the plans,
and/or up the front setbacks to include to the center line of the
Chairman Moyer – “You’re
gonna have to clarify for me, I’m looking at a document that Mr. Lapsley handed
out which seems to me shows the 15 foot from the right-of-way line.”
Bill Lapsley – “Which is
also the property line.”
Autumn Radcliff – “Okay.
So that would be the, the edge of the right-of-way then.”
Bill Lapsley – “Yes.
Autumn Radcliff – “Okay.
I just wanted to make sure and ask that that be specifically set, um, stated
instead of a 10 foot front setback, 10 foot front setback from the edge of the
right-of-way just for enforcement purposes.”
Chairman Moyer –
“Alright. So you’ll put in there from the edge of the right-of, Bill, so we
have that?”
Bill Lapsley – “Yes,
that’s fine.”
Chairman Moyer – “Any
Autumn Radcliff – “No,
that was it.”
Chairman Moyer –
“Alright, you wanna go to the?”
Drew Norwood – “May I
ask her one question just, just from…”
Chairman Moyer – “Sure.
Go to the microphone though so we please pick it up.”
Drew Norwood – “I just
wanna ask you if, is it, I assume we’re submitting this so anything we do
that’s within this framework will be the zoning guy will approve it.”
Autumn Radcliff – “Correct,
Drew Norwood –
Autumn Radcliff – “Just
clarification for when it comes to the Zoning Department.”
Chairman Moyer – “Okay,
we’ll move to the, the November 30th letter and you comments,
staff’s admission to evidence November 30th Bill.”
Bill Lapsley – “Uh, we,
we’d just like to just run through these uh, we’ve been discussing the buffer
and we have no problem with the staff recommendation there. Um, we talked about
the pictures so we have no problem with that. The uh, water and sewer issues we
had no problem approval, making this a condition uh, that we have the final
approvals on that. Uh, the erosion control plans is same issue uh, once we know
what is accepted by the Commissioner we will submit those plans to the State
and get the required permit.”
Chairman Moyer – “And
you will put the fence along that.”
Bill Lapsley – “Yeah,
Chairman Moyer – “Going
back that Ms. Harkey asked for.”
Bill Lapsley – “To
protect those trees that, I think that’s a good I, idea. Contractors sometimes
have a tendency to get carried away so that’s, that’s fine. Uh, NCDOT uh, we
have no problem uh, with the comments that Staff had made. I think we would
just go to the end result and that is that whatever DOT decides in the end
that’s, that’s what we have to abide by. Uh, we do expect to have some
continued dialogue and we’re not exactly sure where it’s gonna end up at the
moment but we think the key is what DOT tells us we have to do. And so we would
have no problem with the Staff recommendation that the permit be subject to
DOT’s final decision.”
Chairman Moyer – “What
will you ultimately get from DOT, a letter or?”
Bill Lapsley – “We, we
have applied for what’s called the street access permit at the three locations
uh, for the development and they have it under review. And uh, as part of that
they came, their review, they came back to us and said we would like a traffic
impact analysis. So we’ve done that, we’ve submitted that, and there’s now
discussions between our consultant, DOT and ourselves and uh, I’m sure Staff
and others so, uh, once that all plays out DOT will make a final decision and
whatever that is that’s.”
Chairman Moyer – “…what
you have to do.”
Bill Lapsley – “That’s
what we’ll have to, to do to get approval to, to access the road.”
Chairman Moyer – “Our,
our uh order could reference the letter from DOT.”
Bill Lapsley – “I think
that’s appropriate, or issuance of a street access permit, whatever conditions
DOT put on that permit.”
Chairman Moyer –
Bill Lapsley – “And uh,
and last would be uh, the staff’s recommendation uh, we uh, had no problem
with, with their uh, uh, recommendation that these permits be uh, issued uh,
uh, our, our only comment would be that the permits would all be issued prior
to plat approval. What, what happens, there’s a sequence. Uh, we usually get
the grading permit first then the water and sewer permits take 30 to 90 days
after that so there’s a time lag and we would like to, to be pursuing the other
permits while we have started work on the site. So we would ask that all the
permits must be in hand before any plat is recorded. Or, or we have you know,
come to staff to record a plat. Uh those would be our only comments if you’d
like us to go through the checklist we’ll be glad to do that but uh, we
appreciate all the effort the staff has gone to on the project. Be glad to
answer any question.”
Chairman Moyer – “Autumn
would you comment on the last statement made by Mr. Lapsley.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“Yeah I was wondering if there’s a gap here.”
Autumn Radcliff – “Okay.
Uh, yeah my only comment is um, I have no problem with the conditions being
satisfied um, at the time, the time line being at the time of the final plat
approval. The only one that I feel is pertinent that should be done prior to
beginning construction, that’s the sediment and erosion control plan being
approved and the permit in place from DENR before grading begins.”
Chairman Moyer – “Well I
think the applicant will agree to that because you have to do that by law
Bill Lapsley – “That’s
State law.”
Chairman Moyer – “That’s
State law. Okay. That’ll be fine we can clarify that.”
Commissioner Messer –
“Bill I’ve got a couple of questions I guess going back to the water issue.”
Bill Lapsley – “Yes
Commissioner Messer –
“Uh, the information we had a couple weeks ago is there was a difference
between, Asheville had a 24 inch, Hendersonville had a 16 inch line. We have a
current letter from Hendersonville that says that they have adequate water uh,
for the subdivision of 524 homes. Uh, is there any difference in running the
lines from the north end, I’m talking about Asheville end to Henderson,
Hendersonville line. How much farther would you have to run the line for the 16
inch line compared to the line for the 24 inch line.”
Bill Lapsley – “The
distance is, is very similar. I mean it’s very close. We checked it out in the
beginning and, and uh, there’s, there’s probably not 200 feet difference one
way or the other. I can’t recall to be honest with you which was longer. I
think Hendersonville’s was but it was, it was very close. Uh, my, my biggest
concern is not the availability of water for this project alone, my concern is
the availability of water for additional properties that others may want uh, to
get water for in the future. And, and uh, I think that long term subject to, to
City of Asheville and they’ve given us approval uh, my, my concern is, my
recommendation is that, that we get the water for this project and make it available
for other properties from the Asheville system. We, we did go ahead and get
approval from both because at the time, if you’ll look at the dates on the
letter uh, from both parties it’s back in the spring. Uh, and at that time we
didn’t know uh, which might be available. Uh, and which the Commissioners might
felt, feel like uh we should go. Uh, but, it, it, it’s our recommendation that
uh, that we deal with the City of Asheville system. But that’s certainly
something that you could decide.”
Commissioner Messer –
“Well you know water best because you’ve sat on that Board, and of course I
think Mr. Baldwin’s sat on it, I think Bill’s sat on it and maybe I don’t know
if Chuck’s sat on it or not but I, but that’s one thing because there is so
much growth in the northern part of the County. And with no water agreement, no
water authority and it doesn’t look good for the future of, of settling that
uh, disagreements with the water. Uh, and uh, you know the nor, well really all
over Hendersonville City with the uh, plant out in uh, Mills River. Uh, course
we’ve also heard of some more developing or, developers happening, you know,
apply out there. And I just wonder if that would be a kind of opening up an
avenue for Asheville just to tie on to residents of Henderson County and you
know we read, or it was on the news a couple weeks ago that they were possibly
gonna look at repairing a lot of lines and their water in, uh, water rates were
going to increase quite a bit. Now we, of course I live in the northern end of
the County, I’m not on city water at my home but I am at my business. And you
know it’s, you know we’re paying you know quite a bit of revenue for water now.
In my business there I hear a lot of the customers that like these homes and so
forth, talk to ‘em every day uh, but you know some of them has some problems
with some of the water rates. And I, you know, you know my main goal is not to
get locked down or tied down to Asheville City to where we’re obligated to you
know do, I mean, once these developers come in and run these lines and give ‘em
to the Hendersonville or Asheville, I mean it’s just fair game. And you know
the rates could uh, you know really sky rocket over, you know the next 10 or 20
years. And uh, capacity is, is something that I think uh, you know I’d
personally like to look at if, if, but like I say you know if you lookin’ at
long term uh, but you know that’s, I mean I’ve given it some thought and that’s
you know, I mean that’s basically where I’m at.”
Bill Lapsley – “I, I
share your concern and I guess I’m, I’m trying in my role to keep the technical
view and, I’m, I’m aware of some con, some major concerns in the Fletcher area
with uh, low pressure in a number of areas and uh, all of Fletcher’s served off
this 16 inch line and, my concern is that uh, without some major improvements
to the Hendersonville system in that area this, these homes tied to the system
um, may, well they will, they’ll impact Fletcher more and I’m concerned about
it. And uh, uh, understand though that political and uh, economic issues
resolve, uh, involve with whichever source. But from a technical standpoint I,
I think it’s a better source not only for this project but the future of other
properties in the area. But I understand your concern.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“I had a few questions. Bill, you said that the uh, I think you guys stated in
the record that um, the product that you’re offering, there’s a 30/70 uh,
percent mix. The 30 percent being. Could you just go over that marketing mix
one more time for us.”
Drew Norwood – “Yeah um. We’ve got
approximately of the uh, 100, is somewhere right around 150 houses will be our,
uh, a patio home community. Which based on the, on the actual experience in
Livingston Farms, there was about 95% with no children. Either uh, young
professional couples, professional single people, empty nesters like myself or
retirees. Okay and then probably of the balance, another 10 percent of those
will be those kind of people. They won’t buy in the patio homes but will want
one of the bigger homes or of the other smaller homes. They’ll wanna be in the
uh, cottage things. So we end up with 30 to 40 percent of the people when it’s
done will be people without children. Is that what you were?”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“Yeah. That, that’s where I was going. Okay. So 30 to 40 percent of, will not
have children.”
Drew Norwood – “Yeah.
And you know I can’t, that’s not.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“Yeah, but that’s, yeah.”
Drew Norwood – “That’s
based on the Livingston Farm experience.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“Okay. Uh, what’s the, do you know the distance from the proposed development
to the elementary school?”
Bill Lapsley – “To the
Marlow Elementary School? Uh, probably about a mile to a mile and a half. I
don’t think it’s any more than a mile and a half.”
Drew Norwood – “That’s
right, yeah, close.”
Bill Lapsley – “It’s
probably a mile and a half.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“Okay. In, looking at the impact on the community have, have you guys
considered uh, the capacity there at the school, um one. And, and two I’d like
to kinda get an idea from you, your projected build out for your, your
Drew Norwood – “I had
talked to the uh, Superintendent of the schools, and you and I talked to the,
the, um, the head of the Board, some of the Board members. And their, their
comments to us that is that, they’re looking at it as an overall impact. These
people are coming somewhere in the County and they’re gonna have to be shifting
around, they’re gonna have to be building more schools anywhere, any way, and
they don’t see that this is a, is a particular problem. Uh, to answer your
second question, I think we’ll be talking about building out six to eight years
on that. Now that, interest rates go to 15 and we’ll go to 15 years. They go to
two we’ll go to a couple of years but that, that should be about what it is.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“Okay. That, I think you know, and it, it’s, it’s a tough issue to deal with
because of the rate at which we’re, we’re growing. We, you know we are. And um,
um, certainly the type of product that you’re offering is a lure to young
families with children and, and we do need housing that hits that market. And
uh, and that’s a good thing but also, we’re also in a, in a situation where um,
we, you know we have to pick up the tab for the construction of the schools.
Um, the general tax payers do and, and so I was trying to get a feel, you’re
saying six to eight years build out and you’re probably looking at um, well if
60 or 70 percent of the 524 are gonna be with children then you kinda get an
idea how many children that, this particular development with its um, marketing
um, niche is, is gonna place as far as pressure on that particular school. Um,
do you have any other additional thoughts beyond what you’ve already stated?”
Bill Lapsley – “No we,
in anticipation of this development uh, as Mr. Norwood said we went, Livingston
Farms is the best example we had and, and we actually counted up families in
that development to, to get a better feel for, for that so we, we feel pretty
comfortable with the statistics and we shared those with the School Board and
the staff so uh, they’re aware of it and, and indicated no serious objection
but they said yeah, there’ll be more kids and we’ll have to deal with it. But
understand your concern.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“I had a question for staff.”
Chairman Moyer – “Go
Commissioner Baldwin –
“Autumn did we receive anything from the uh, Board of Education or Dr. Paige or
any other staff persons in planning for the school system? Did they send us
anything? Express any concern about the development whatsoever? I know we used
to send out a request for feedback from various agencies. Did they respond at
Autumn Radcliff – “No
the schools are um, one of the things that’s down as our um, letter of
references to go out. The letters of references went out, when in reference to
the major subdivision as required by the ordinance. Um, I know there’s been a
lot of talk about this subdivision going on, except for basically Ms. Harkey
coming here we really haven’t heard anything for or against the subdivision out
there um, except for the individuals who are directly involved such as Mills
River and the TAC and DOT.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“But, but you did not, we did send requests to various agencies, the School
Board being one, and they did not respond back to.”
Autumn Radcliff – “No,
no, the School Board did not receive anything.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“Okay, so they were not asked to respond to this.”
Autumn Radcliff – “Correct.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“Did they receive a set of plans?”
Autumn Radcliff – “No.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“They did not.”
Matt Card – “They did.”
Autumn Radcliff – “Oh
they did? Oh I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Matt Card’s our subdivision administrator,
he can probably answer that better because.”
Commissioner Baldwin – “Okay,
could I ask Matt a question?”
Autumn Radcliff – “That
was something that he handled. Yeah.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“Yeah. That’s where I was going I, I remember we used to do that. Matt, what
did we send to the School Board?”
Matt Card – “We sent
them review agency letters.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
Matt Card – “That’s
basically a summary of the project and then a comment sheet, and then a copy of
the plans. And we did not receive any comments back from them.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
Chairman Moyer –
“Commissioner Baldwin do you have additional questions at this time? Are there
Drew Norwood – “Can I
ask, I just want to get a clarification. When we’re talkin’ about this, we, we
can’t get a recorded plat till we get all our permits. I, I, what I plan to do
Autumn, is I wanna make sure when I come to you, assuming these gentlemen
approve us, if I wanted to come to you and say I’ve got my grading done and my water
and sewer permits are all in process and everything and I wanna record a plat,
I put up a letter of credit, bond all those improvements I can go, can I go
ahead ahead and do it?”
Autumn Radcliff – “Again,
that’s a question for Matt.”
Drew Norwood – “Can I,
based on the, what, condition that we agreed to with the Commissioners I wanna
make sure I can do that.”
Matt Card – “Right,
that’s a part of a subdivision process is you can bond your improvements.”
Drew Norwood – “That’s
my only question then.”
Chairman Moyer –
Drew Norwood – “Thank
Chairman Moyer –
“Additional questions at this time? Do any of the parties, um, starting with
the applicant have any additional information they’d like to put on the
Bill Lapsley – “No sir.”
Chairman Moyer – “Ms.
Harkey do you have anything additional that you’d like to put on the record?”
Jean Harkey – “No sir.”
Chairman Moyer – “Okay.
Staff, do you have anything additional.”
Autumn Radcliff – “No.”
Chairman Moyer –
“Alright, what is the Board’s pleasure? We can continue our discussion, um, I
think maybe it’d be helpful to get some advice from Counsel. We, we have
discussed the requirements in the Code that we are obligated to meet. We have
documentation from staff and the applicant with respect to each of those
matters. Um, how do you see the best way for us to proceed?”
Russ Burrell – “Uh, with
the, the one idea we had in terms of this uh, checklist, is to enable the Board
if it chose to do so to go down the checklist yes or no. Do we, do we have a
finding, do we have enough information to make this finding. Yes, yes, yes, no,
no, whatever. Um, they, they’d all come in yes or you don’t, you don’t grant
the approval. Um, if that’s the way, the way the Board chooses to do so. You
can proceed more generally, though I would as, as a person who would be
involved in the drafting of an order, obviously prefer more guidance rather
than less guidance from uh, the Board for which I’m drafting it. Um, you have
tonight to decide it and you can wait, you can make your decision at a later
date if you choose to. Uh, you have received a great deal of documentary
evidence, you have 45 days from the end of the hearing. Uh, that begins
tonight. That 45 days is the time by which a final order must be signed so
obviously the decision would have to be quicker than that.”
Chairman Moyer – “What
is the Board’s pleasure? We have the general additions and we have, which are
in our package, and there’s also the uh, the uh, I got the right page here,
Commissioner McGrady –
“Mr. Chairman I, um, I’m prepared to vote to uh, support the application. Um, I
think between the materials provided to us by staff and the applicant um, I now
have a pretty good sense that I can run the checklist um, giving yeses um, all
the way down. And, but I, I really would prefer not to try to craft that motion
tonight um, um but I think by referencing um, I, I find the document that the
applicant gave us with all the red in it and then the, the uh, um, Planning
Staff’s, both their memo and the chart, um, I think I can go through that and
say yes for, some of them are real se, ob, self evident reasons. Obviously this
is a larger tract than 1 ½ acres, and is easy. Some of the rest um, that are
not as easy though I think there are facts sufficient to support the, the
applicant, uh approving the application. Um, I think the, the tougher part
comes with um, making sure that we capture all of the various conditions that
are here. And the condition um, that, I mean we need to capture not simply the
conditions that have, we just recently discussed um, well tonight back and
forth, but the Planning Board also had a series of, of conditions that no one
has had any problem with as best I can tell. And I would want those conditions
reflected um, there. Um, but there’s a whole checklist of them and again I
wouldn’t propose to try to shuffle through all this paper and figure out ever
one of those conditions tonight but my sense is that no one has any concerns
regarding those conditions. And then the, the last one which uh, um, um, Ms,
uh, Harkey um, we, we had a lot of dialogue on, again we just need to clean it
up so that it’s really clear by reference to um, the map um, it’s, it’s a
fairly simple thing again. So with that, all that stated, if Counsel can craft
an order that reflects that I’m certainly prepared to, to, to make a motion to
approve this thing.”
Chairman Moyer – “Well,
I’d like to try to be a little more specific and take it in, in uh, bites. Uh,
in the package that we had from staff at the first on attachment 17 on page 159
there were some listings of uh, conditions, findings that the Board had to
make. And then on, starting on 149, page 149 that same attachment.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“But that’s the same chart is it not Mr. Chairman.”
Chairman Moyer – “They
are the same on the conditions.”
Commissioner McGrady –
Chairman Moyer – “Uh,
does any, I personally feel they’ve also been complied with too. We have enough
information to say we have met those tests. Is there any Commissioner that
would like to go through those, or can we direct staff to come up with the
finding that each of these has been found based on the evidence on the record.
We certainly can review the writing and see whether we’re satisfied, but do we
need to go through all of these conditions?”
Commissioner Messer – “I
don’t think we need to go through all these conditions. I think we’ve been uh,
taught uh.”
Chairman Moyer – “The
findings I should say.”
Commissioner Messer –
“The findings the last two weeks and, you know I agree with Mr. McGrady I think
we need to uh, uh, there is some concern that I’ve got that, you know, that we,
that I’ve stated and of course Mr. Baldwin’s stated with the schools. I have
some concern over that. DOT has provided us, us information and everyone. The
Planning Board has, you know we got their strong recommendation, not a member
opposed. Uh, and then when the staff came back with the latest and most
information uh, uh, like I said it’s, I mean, you know, it’s uh, so I really wouldn’t
have a problem with it.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“Well I, I uh, I would not mind, I, I think it probably would be appropriate if
we just went through it quickly. And as a Board let uh, let the Chairman go
through the, the findings and take the pulse of the Board on any of these
issues. But I will tell you specifically which one that I have some heartburn
over. Um, I don’t mean that in a terribly negative way, but it’s um, the um,
this is from the Zoning Ordinance section 200-33(F).(4)(c) and basically it
says the Board of Commissioners may request additional information required “to
evaluate the impact of the proposed Planned Unit Development.” And you’ve heard
me express concern. Uh Commissioner Messer has expressed concern over the
impact of the development on the, on the school. And it um, it really surprises
me that we send information to the School Board and give them an opportunity to
evaluate the impact of a subdivision on the school system and we don’t receive
anything back. Not one word, letter, a verbal comment, nothing. And I do think
if, if the School Board doesn’t do it, it’s incumbent upon this Board to see
that uh, either um, an impact analysis is conducted or that we go back to the
School Board a second time and say take a position and give it to us, because
we want to see it. Because we’re often in situations where uh, every budget
cycle we’re in a situation where we have to build new schools and fund new
schools and if we don’t do it we’re bad guys. Now we have an opportunity to ask
them to take a position on this subdivision uh, with respect to the impact on
schools and I would like to know where they stand on this particular issue.”
Chairman Moyer – “I can
tell you, excuse me, I’m sorry I thought you were finished.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“As far as I’m concerned with the other issues, I feel that uh, the company has
done a, a good job, uh, basically meeting the letter of the law. I think
they’ve, they have uh, met most of the requirements but I think this is one
that I would like to have a response back from the School Board on. And seems
to be the only issue, the only hang up that I have. The rest of it seems to be
taken care of.”
Chairman Moyer – “Well
let me. I can’t give evidence but let me tell you um, and Autumn, phrased it
uh, correctly. The school system on all of these has without exception taken
the position that they deal with the overall numbers. And as you saw in the
paper recently they have their estimates of, by school, of what the growth is
gonna be, what the impact is gonna be on the area, and then the State also
comes up with estimates and they take those into consideration. As you saw in
the paper they’re significantly higher than what our local uh, estimates are at
the, the uh, the present time. So they as, as Autumn indicated, and this is
their position. They plan for what they look as the overall growth and what
they can demonstrate in history. They’ve been under, over, and it’s been a
little higher sometimes but they plan on that and they design their system to
meet what they anticipate is gonna be the growth for next year, five years out.
And we had a joint facilities meeting today where they were talking about what
their needs are gonna be in five and ten years. They do not worry about a
specific subdivision. They do not even look at it. They say we know it’s gonna
take place somewhere in this County. We think it’s gonna be somewhere in this
area, and we start to plan on it. But they do not get into specific
subdivisions or areas or what uh, other than saying what we think the growth is
gonna be in that area. And they don’t care whether it comes from subdivision x
or y or, or z. Uh, but, that’s the way they look at it. I can tell you also uh,
specifically they know there’s growth in that area, and they are planning as I
think the Board’s been told and we discussed in the past, an addition onto the
Mills River Elementary School so they can adjust a line out there to deal with
the growth as it occurs, and they may have to, uh, as they bring in another
school on-line. As you know the one we’re talking about uh, now, uh, Sugarloaf,
uh, what, may have to adjust the lines again. So they, they look at the
overall, they plan for the overall, but they don’t try to do it by
Commissioner Baldwin –
“Well it, it just, it just seems like to me that it’s a, a process that’s
somewhat out of control when you take uh, Clear Creek Elementary School that
was built three years ago that was constructed and is already uh, full and has
no more capacity. That, that’s poor planning in my opinion. And I want to see
the School Board take a position um, as these developments go in. We give them
an opportunity. If there’s no reason for them to evaluate these uh,
subdivisions then we should not be including them in the process, but we are.
And we’re asking for input, and I would like to see the school system take a
position on the subdivisions. And, and I would like to have them do so on this
particular one.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“I don’t think um, Mr. Chairman, that this applicant should be um, put at
detriment because the School Board hasn’t responded um, to um, our request for
their opinion. Um, my experience as Chair of the Planning Board, as was yours I
think, was that the School Board never responds, um, to these requests. And as,
as you noted I mean we’ve spent, you and I spent the better part of the
afternoon at one of the Joint Facilities meetings and I think you fairly stated
how the School Board tends to look at the enrollment issues. They, they,
rightfully or wrongfully, um, you know, are not looking at them in terms of the
impact of any one development. Um, they’re well aware of the growth in the
north end of the County. Um, they’re planning um, to add capacity um, at Mills
River and in, in other places, um in the north end of the County but they’re,
they just, they refuse, and I don’t know whether that’s a good or a bad thing
Commissioner Baldwin, but they refuse to, to look into the impact of any one
subdivision that might occur because they assume that it, if it doesn’t occur
there it’s gonna occur somewhere else. Um and we, we just can’t get into that
calculus. So I, I’m just not supportive of, of, of uh, sort of holding things up
um, with respect to this applicant um, because the School Board didn’t respond
to our letter.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“Well again it says it gives us the authority, it says we have basically the
authority to evaluate the impact of a proposed uh, PUD. And we can request
additional information. I, I simply would like to see the School Board take a position
on this particular application and, uh, all the others that come before them as
well. But I, I think this one is a good one to start with. If, if they’re
coming back to us within six, eight years and ask that we build a new school to
absorb growth, then I think the School Board needs to be on the record. Um,
saying that they evaluate um, the growth and that uh, they take a position, uh,
on what’s occurring. And they seemingly are not doing so. And I would like to
see them do that.”
Commissioner Messer – “Mr.
Chair I’d like to know if we’re gonna vote it up or down. I mean.”
Chairman Moyer – “Well
know I wanna go a little further. I think we have Mr. Baldwin’s comment on the
record. We can take that into consideration in voting. But what I do want to
get more clarity on, we have these, the check list with a list of conditions.
But I think as Commissioner McGrady indicated, there are, there were conditions
that staff would like in this. There are conditions that came out tonight and I
would like you to go down those so it’s clear to the Attorney what the
conditions are you’re looking for and the Board can say yes or no, that we,
that’s our same understanding that you have.”
Autumn Radcliff – “You
want me to do that now?”
Chairman Moyer – “Yes, I
want you to do that now. So we’ll have findings with respect to what’s required
by the code, but there’s some, there’s conditions outside the code. Obviously
the first one while you’re getting your record was the, was the buffering in
the back that the applicant has agreed to. There’s the berm which they gave us
diagrams on. That is a condition. We have all the conditions in your November
30 letter. I’m not looking to go back over all the ones we clearly covered
tonight, but you indicated in your comments and I think there were others from
the Planning Board, and I wanna be sure this Board is in agreement as to what
they are.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“Well I’m assuming Mr. Chairman um, that we then just simply go back to the
November 17th memo um, that um, Ms. Radcliff gave us where she went
through the Planning Board recommendations with respect to height, distance
between buildings, off-street parking, emergency services, maintenance,
setbacks, and a range of other things. Um.”
Chairman Moyer – “All those
are not covered by the, are superseded by the November 30th letter.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“Um, well they’re not completely superseded, they’re, they’re, referenced,
they’re, they’re referenced specifically in her um, her memo of this date. Um.”
Chairman Moyer – “Of
course we had the modification one tonight. Obviously the soil and erosion
control will be required before um, what’s the right wording, before uh, any
construction will start I guess.”
Autumn Radcliff – “Yes.”
Chairman Moyer – “And the
rest of the permits would before any plat is filed. So that’s an agreed upon
Autumn Radcliff – “Correct.
Um, just to make it real simple, just from first glance the November 17th
memo that outlined the Planning Board recommendations, all those would still be
recommendations that needed to be conditions of the permit with the exception
to number three, the sewer plans, number five erosion control, number nine the
setbacks and number 10 access management. Um, all of those with the exception of
the setbacks were outlined in the memo that you received tonight with staff’s
additional comments. I think that um, staff would prefer that you went with
conditions from tonight’s memo that you received, handed out. The set back with
the comments was made verbally uh, with the applicant as far as the drawing
that was showing the setbacks. Um, otherwise all of those other uh,
requirements would, would stand as a condition. Um, in addition to that would
be um, on the November 17th memo staff comments, one additional thing
that was brought up at that time that was not brought up tonight was the fact
that um, the developer disclose to the buyer that the subject property is in
the flight path of the Asheville. Um, the Board may want to consider that as a
condition. Um, staff is suggesting that it be um, disclosed to the buyer.”
Chairman Moyer – “On uh,
that 17th letter, on number eight I think we also made a change
cause I, I think we changed the wording on the Board of Commissioners not
approving as suitable for a uh, a proposed use. I forget what the, the change
was on that but, or whether we just deleted that.”
Russ Burrell – “We, that
the, used the, basically just used the exact language that’s used in other um,
orders in this regard that um, the, the letter will be acceptable to preserve
open space according to the County Attorney’s Office. There’s, there’s language
now we use in the order that we have used in previous orders.”
Chairman Moyer
–“Alright. Are there any other conditions that you can think of uh.”
Autumn Radcliff – “Um,
the only other conditions is those that were covered tonight as far as what was
brought up with Ms. Harkey about the 20 foot buffer being there and being
undisturbed with the potential of a three to four foot drainage swale being on
the top. That needs to be outlined in the condition. Um, also about the
construction fence being put up prior to construction beginning uh, for safety
reasons I’m assuming on the residence. Um, also that uh, in addition to staff’s
comments with DOT that it’s added in there what the applicant brought up that
this would be um, um, in consideration with the final decision of the street
access permit and any conditions that DOT would apply when they, when they
issue the street access permit. And I think that’s it.”
Chairman Moyer –
Commissioner McGrady –
“Mr. Chairman I agree with all of that. With respect to the flight plan I think
the disclosure issue, that’s an easy one, just include it as a condition.”
Chairman Moyer –
Commissioner McGrady –
“I mean any dis, disclosure’s the buyer beware. Um.”
Chairman Moyer –
“Alright. Did you make, I forget did you make.”
Commissioner McGrady –
“I were, we were both talking. I mean I. I, I
think where, we need to do at this point is, is just a motion to direct staff
to um, draft um, the necessary order um, reflecting um, the appropriate
findings um, that are, need to be made consistent with the ordinance.”
Commissioner Messer –
“…the last two meeting.”
Commissioner McGrady – “Um, finding in each case that the um,
conditions have been met. And uh, um, stating the conditions that have been I
think fairly clearly um, uh, summarized by Ms. Radcliff and um, agreed to by
the applicant. Um, and I think with staff’s, that would be my motion.”
Chairman Moyer –
Commissioner McGrady –
“And then speaking to it I think with, with, with the record that we’ve
composed here and we seem to be largely on the same page, that we can get an
order back rel, at one of our next meetings relatively quickly so we can put
this thing in place.”
Commissioner Messer –
“Can we just do it on the Consent Agenda?”
Commissioner McGrady –
“Well that’s what I would assume, yes Charlie.”
Chairman Moyer – “I
don’t know whether Russ can make the 5th, but certainly we’ll make
the 15th if uh. Questions? Further discussion or, or comments on
that motion?”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“So we’re not gonna have the, any consideration by the Board from what uh, I
asked us to, to consider?”
Chairman Moyer – “Yeah,
what I was gonna do next Commissioner Baldwin was ask the Board’s uh leave to,
to uh, to send a letter to the school system indicating, Chairman Bazzle, to
indicate that this question uh, has come up before and come up again tonight as
to uh, a com, that we send these and we don’t get comments on specific, and
that we would like to know whether there’s a way we could get their comments
and, and whether they would be willing to take individual subdivision planning
and approval into their process somehow. And see what the response is. But I
share Commissioner McGrady, I don’t think we should hold this up, but I think
we shan, we shall pursue, I shall, if the Board’s desire, pursue that and try
to get an answer back. And if appropriate invite them to a meeting for discussion.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“Well I think all those are, are good. I mean I, I think that’s what ought to
be done. But, uh, we’ve done this before in the past and we’ve asked and we’ve
complained and, about their planning process and it doesn’t seem to make a
difference. And I don’t know how we do it unless we start holding their feet to
the fire. And um, I’m not willing to separate what I’ve requested from, from
the evenings uh. Cause it says here that we can ask for additional information
about the impact of a PUD on a neighborhood and that’s what I’m requesting we
Commissioner McGrady –
“The, the only problem I, I, you know philosophically Commissioner Baldwin I
agree with you but we’re not holding their feet to the fire, we’re holding the
applicant’s feet to the fire for something that the School Board hasn’t
provided and not likely to provide within a time frame that, that uh, would
allow this project to move forward. So.”
Commissioner Baldwin –
“Well I, I personally would accept uh, a, a letter from Dr. Paige or the
Chairman of the School Board that says uh, we received it. Um, we took a look
at it, and we either have no opinion uh, at this time or something of that
nature. But for us to send the information uh, that has a, a large impact on the
taxpayers of this County, and we let it slide through, is not something I’m
willing to do. They need to take a position. Because later on we’re gonna build
schools, six to eight years from now, because we know what the projected build
out is, we know we’re talking about young families uh, with children, and it’s
gonna overwhelm the school and the neighbor. And we’re doing nothing to, to
rectify the issue except continue to build new schools.”
Chairman Moyer –
“Alright we have uh, the motion on the floor. All in favor of the motion.”
Commissioner Young –
“Restate the motion if you will.”
Chairman Moyer – “I’m
Commissioner Young –
“Restate the motion if you will.”
Commissioner McGrady – “The motion was to direct staff to uh,
basically um, uh give us an order with findings um, that show that the
applicant has met the, the various requirement um, of the ordinance. And in uh,
including all of the um, conditions um, that were summarized by the planning
staff with the agreement of the applicant.”
Chairman Moyer – “The motion is to approve Special Use Permit
Commissioner McGrady –
“That’s right.”
Chairman Moyer –
“Subject to the…”
Commissioner McGrady –
“That’s right.”
Chairman Moyer – “Okay
Commissioner Young? All in favor of that
motion say aye.”
Chairman Moyer,
Commissioner McGrady and Commissioner Messer – “Aye.”
Chairman Moyer – “Opposed?”
Commissioner Baldwin and
Commissioner Young – “Aye.”
Chairman Moyer – “Okay,
it passed three to two. Um, do we need to do that out of public hearing, is
part of public hearing alright? Alright
motion to close the public hearing?”
Commissioner Messer – “So moved.”
Chairman Moyer – “All in favor say aye.”
Aye in unison.
Commissioner McGrady – “Motion to adjourn.”
Chairman Moyer – “All in favor say aye.”
Aye in unison.
Chairman Moyer – “We are
Amy R. Brantley, Deputy Clerk
to the Board William L.
Moyer, Chairman