STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA                                                   BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

COUNTY OF HENDERSON                                                                                                  JUNE 15, 2005


The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 9:00 a.m. in the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.


Those present were:  Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chairman Charlie Messer, Commissioner Larry Young, Commissioner Shannon Baldwin, Commissioner Chuck McGrady, County Manager David E. Nicholson, Assistant County Manager Justin Hembree, County Attorney Russell Burrell, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.


Also present were: Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Budget and Management Director Selena Coffey,   Fire Marshal Rocky Hyder, County Engineer Gary Tweed, Finance Director J. Carey McLelland, Paralegal Connie Rayfield, Development and Enforcement Director Toby Linville, and Deputy Clerk to the Board Amy Brantley.



Chairman Moyer called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.



Commissioner Young led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.



David Nicholson gave the invocation.



  1. Fielding Lucas – Mr. Lucas discussed the school funding requests and asked the question “Can’t anybody here manage the taxpayer’s money?”.


  1. Bob Williford – Mr. Williford, President of the Greater Hendersonville Chamber of Commerce.  He spoke to the issue of the proposed Flood Protection Ordinance. Most people are in favor of a flood protection ordinance, one that allows us to benefit from flood insurance and FEMA assistance but they do want an ordinance that is not overly restrictive and that goes beyond FEMA’s requirements.  “For us it would seem logical to put in place a minimal ordinance that meets FEMA’s requirements, then if the need arises, the Planning staff and Board could work with community groups to make adjustments to the ordinance and include the affected parties. We also feel strongly that development should be allowed in the floodplain if the developer can prove that the proposed development will have no adverse impact on other property owners.”


  1. Angela Beeker – Ms. Beeker also spoke to the issue of the proposed Flood Protection Ordinance.  On behalf of the farming community that she has been working with she thanked the Board for the extra time that has gone into the proposed ordinance and talking and working with the affected parties.  She also thanked staff for their work.



Chairman Moyer stated that there are several closed session items that the Board will need to add to this agenda.  The applicable motion to go into closed session will come later. 

Commissioner McGrady made the motion to approve the revised agenda.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.



Chairman Moyer stated that regarding the April 4 minutes, he had given the Clerk two slight revisions to make which he did not think would keep the Board from approving those minutes at this time.  On page 4, there is a dollar figure which is $4,358 billion which should be $4.35 billion.  On page 6, in the discussion of the school property in his motion he used the wording “will deed to the school system” and it should have said “will lease to the school system”.  He suggested those two changes.


Commissioner McGrady made the motion to approve the consent agenda including the two suggested changes to the April 4 minutes. All voted in favor and the motion carried.


The Consent Agenda included the following:


Draft minutes were presented for the Board’s review/approval of the following meetings:

            April 4, 2005, regular meeting

            May 23, 2005, special called meeting


Tax Collector’s Report

Terry F. Lyda, Tax Collector, submitted the Tax Collector’s report dated June 13 for the Board’s review and consent approval.


Tax Releases

A list of 31 tax release requests was submitted for the Board’s approval.


Tax Refunds

A list of 13 tax refund requests was submitted for the Board’s approval.


State-Applicant Disaster Assistance Agreement (EWP NRCS Stream Clearance Program)

Staff had submitted a copy of a “State-Applicant Disaster Assistance Agreement” between Henderson County and the State of North Carolina.  If approved, this agreement would allow the County to access State matching funds for the on-going Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) Program.  The EWP Program is a 75% Federal, 25% State match program.  Federal funds can only be used for construction costs.  State funds are to be used for engineering and design costs.  This agreement formally allows the County to access the 25% State matching funds to pay for engineering and design services.


As an update, the EWP Program is continuing to be carried-out in Henderson County.  The County’s engineering firm has undertaken a massive amount of design work, detailed designs for certain stream reaches are close to completion, and surveying projects are virtually finished.  On June 1 and June 2, meetings were held with property owners whose land will be impacted by this program.  Bids for projects along the Green River stream reach will be opened on June 21.  Staff is please to report that the project is proceeding at an acceptable pace and actual construction will begin in the near future.


Mr. Nicholson recommended approval of the agreement as presented.


Designation of Applicant’s Agent (EWP State Matching Funds)

Staff submitted a resolution that designates the County’s agents to execute and file applications for State matching funds associated with the Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) Program.  If approved, the resolution designates Carey McLelland as the primary agent and Justin Hembree as the secondary agent for this specific State assistance program (EWP State Matching Funds).


Mr. Nicholson recommended approval of the resolution as presented.


Notification of Vacancies

The Board was notified of the following vacancy which will appear on the next agenda for nominations:

1.                Henderson County Transportation Advisory Committee – 1 vac.



Chairman Moyer reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to nominations:


1.                Cane Creek Water and Sewer District Advisory Committee – 1 vac.

Commissioner Messer nominated Billy Johnson to position #7. Chairman Moyer made the motion to appoint Mr. Johnson by acclamation.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


2.                Environmental Advisory Committee – 4 vac.

On June 6 the following were nominated: Hall Waddell, Art Hudson, Larry Blair, Fielding Lucas, Edward Doyle, Angela Fernandini, James Hutcherson, and Collette Summitt. There were no other nominations at this time. 


The Clerk polled the Board for votes for these vacancies.  Each commissioner had four votes, as follows:


            Commissioner Young -             Waddell, Hudson, Blair, and Lucas.

            Commissioner Messer -             Waddell, Hudson, Lucas, and Hutcherson.

            Chairman Moyer -                    Doyle, Fernandini, Hutcherson, and Summitt.

            Commissioner McGrady -         Doyle, Fernandini, Hutcherson, and Summitt.

Commissioner Baldwin -           Doyle, Fernandini, Hutcherson, and Lucas.


The four appointees were: Fielding Lucas, Edward Doyle, Angela Fernandini, and James Hutcherson.


3.                Henderson County Board of Health – 3 vac.

Chairman Moyer reminded the Board that we have two nominees for position #5, 2 registered nurses – Jackie Price and Tracy George, both nominated at the last meeting.  Richmond Meadows is willing to move from the “at large” position to the “engineering” position.  Commissioner McGrady recommended/nominated Mr. Meadows for the engineering position, #8 and leave the nursing and at large positions open temporarily. There were no other nominees for position #8. Chairman Moyer made the motion to accept  Mr. Meadows by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried.


4.                Henderson County Historic Courthouse Corporation – 2 vac.

Commissioner McGrady had nominated Ken Gaylord for position #1 and Ken Gregory for position #2. He asked to be allowed to flip those and thus have Ken Gregory for position #1 and Ken Gaylord for position #2. He explained that he had misspoken earlier.


Chairman Moyer explained that we have two nominees for position #1: Don Michalove and Ken Gregory and three nominees for position #2: Theron Maybin, Dixie Dellinger, and Ken Gaylord.


The Clerk polled the Board and the vote was as follows:

            Commissioner Baldwin -           Michalove and Maybin.

            Commissioner McGrady -         Gregory and Gaylord.

            Chairman Moyer -                    Gregory and Dellinger.

            Commissioner Messer -             Gregory and Maybin.

            Commissioner Young -                         Michalove and Maybin.


The two appointees were Ken Gregory for position # 1 and Theron Maybin for position #2.


5.                Jury Commission – 1 vac.

Chairman Moyer explained that we have 1 vacancy and two nominees: Dutch Burdette and Mary Singleton.


The Clerk polled the Board with the vote as follows:

            Commissioner Young -             Singleton

            Commissioner Messer -             Burdette

            Chairman Moyer -                    Burdette

            Commissioner McGrady -         Burdette

            Commissioner Baldwin -           Singleton


Dutch Burdette was the appointee.


6.                Juvenile Crime Prevention Council – 12 vac.

Chairman Moyer explained that we have two nominees for position # 19: Morton Lazarus and Chris Freeman. There were no other nominations at this time.


The Clerk polled the Board with the vote as follows:

            Commissioner Baldwin -           Freeman

            Commissioner McGrady -         Freeman

            Chairman Moyer -                    Freeman

            Commissioner Messer -             Freeman

            Commissioner Young -             Freeman


Chris Freeman was the appointee to position #19.


Commissioner McGrady nominated Karen Couch to position #7 and Sheila Devine for position #16. There were no other nominees at this time.  Chairman Moyer made the motion to accept Ms. Couch and Ms. Devine by acclamation.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


7.                Land-of-Sky Regional Advisory Council on Aging – 1 vac.

There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.


8.                Library Board of Trustees – 2 vac.

There had previously been two nominations for position #6: Joy Perry and Tom Orr.  Tom Orr asked that his name be removed. There were no other nominations at this time. Chairman Moyer made the motion to elect Joy Perry to position # 6 by acclamation.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Chairman Moyer explained that we have two nominees for position #4: Art Harrington and Dennis Justice.


The Clerk polled the Board with the vote as follows:

            Commissioner Young -             Justice

            Commissioner Messer -                         Harrington

            Chairman Moyer -                    Harrington

            Commissioner McGrady -         Harrington

            Commissioner Baldwin -           Justice


Art Harrington was appointed to position #4.


9.                Mountain Area Workforce Development Board – 1 vac.

There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.


    10.   Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee – 4 vac.

Chairman Moyer nominated Rita Christensen for position # 16 and Eve Hoover for position # 17. There were no other nominations at this time.  Chairman Moyer made the motion to appoint Ms. Christensen and Ms. Hoover by acclamation.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.



At the June 6, 2005 Board of Commissioners’ meeting, the Board directed staff to develop a table comparing the Draft Henderson County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance (date May 24, 2005), The City of Hendersonville Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance and Natural Resource Protection Standards, the Town of Fletcher Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance, the state minimum standards model, and the draft Flood Damage Prevention submitted by Angie Beeker. 


Staff submitted the comparison table.  The Board had already received copies of the Draft Henderson County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance (date May 24, 2005), the state model, and the draft Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance submitted by Angie Beeker. 


When the Board is ready to adopt a Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance, it will need to establish an effective date.  The next items that must be addressed are initiating the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) application process and developing a fee schedule associated with the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance.  A draft fee schedule had been prepared by staff and submitted for the Board’s consideration.


In accordance with the Board of Commissioners’ 2005 Strategic Plan, Mr. Nicholson recommended that the Board approve the revised Henderson County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance (dated May 24, 2005) as presented by Planning Staff, with an effective date of July 1, 2005.  He also recommended that the Board adopt the draft fee schedule and direct Planning Staff to initiate the NFIP application process.


Russ Burrell distributed a document entitled “Henderson County Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance” dated May 24, 2005 and marked as “6/14/2005 Compromise Draft”. Chairman Moyer stated that this draft takes the draft prepared by the Planning Board and provides more flexibility in the flood fringe.  It does not change anything in the floodway.  It also addresses a number of the issues that came up with respect to definitions, scope of responsibilities in some of the positions, etc.  Chairman Moyer explained that the reason for the compromise draft was that a number of issues had been raised with respect to the staff draft and whether there were ways that we could move closer to the model ordinance produced by the state and whether we could come up with a compromise that everyone could live with that would be fair to the growers and the agriculture industry. His (Chairman Moyer) idea was to produce a document that he thought would be fair, provide the protection we need for the public, provide for the insurance that he feels should be in place, and deal with the fill issue but protect the agriculture industry and growers in a more equitable fashion.


Karen Smith reviewed the sheet (attachment 1) that was a comparison table and Russ Burrell spoke of comparable issues in the new draft that was just distributed. Much discussion followed.


Chairman Moyer thanked staff, members of the farming community and Angela Beeker who had all put a lot of work into this document.



Karen Smith informed the Board that representatives of the Town of Tryon (the “Town”) had informed Henderson County staff that the Town intends to request that the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality (DWQ), and the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission initiate the process to designate a portion of the North Pacolet River as a public water supply source.  According to representatives from the Town, the Town has, in recent years, experienced shortages in the amount of surface water available for treatment at its water purification plant.  The Town would, therefore, like to install an intake on the North Pacolet River in order to increase its water supply.  The intake is intended to serve both short-term and long-term water supply needs.


Reclassification of the North Pacolet River to a public water supply source would mean that local governments having land use jurisdiction within the designated watershed for such public water supply would have to adopt and implement water supply watershed protection ordinances, maps and management plans that meet State water supply watershed rules.  Based on preliminary mapping by a consulting engineer for the Town, a portion of southeastern Henderson County would fall within the proposed water supply watershed.  The Town had provided a large map of the proposed watershed, which Staff had brought to the meeting for review.


Henderson County already regulates part of the proposed water supply watershed as it contains the Henderson County portion of the Colt Creek Water Supply Watershed, which is classified WS-II.  The Colt Creek Water Supply Watershed provides water supply for the Town of Tryon.  The Town plans to request a WS-II classification for the North Pacolet River.  DWQ will study the watershed to determine what stream classification is most appropriate based on the level of development and other factors.  A summary of North Carolina’s water supply watershed classifications was included for reference.


The reclassification process for the North Pacolet River could take from one to two years from the time the request is made.  If the reclassification is approved and it affects land in Henderson County, the County would have 270 days from such reclassification to apply its Water Supply Watershed Protection Ordinance to the watershed area in its jurisdiction.


As part of its reclassification request to DWQ, the Town wants to submit documentation that the Henderson County Board of Commissioners supports its request.  If the Board of Commissioners is in favor of providing such documentation, Staff proposed that the Board consider the proposed prepared resolution in the packet.


The County Manager recommended that the Board of Commissioners adopt the proposed resolution.  If the Town of Tryon proceeds with its North Pacolet River reclassification request, Staff will keep the Board informed of its status and any related actions that may be needed on the part of Henderson County government.


Commissioner McGrady made the motion to adopt the proposed resolution.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.



Chairman Moyer stated that the Board had asked the County Manager and Staff to research how Henderson County might be able to incorporate methods to preserve and protect cemeteries through land use regulations such as the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances.


Karen Smith stated that her staff had contacted a sample group of local governments in North Carolina in order to learn if any of them had land use ordinance language pertaining to cemeteries.  They had prepared a table which summarized the results of staff’s informal survey which showed that identification of cemeteries on subdivision plans and plats was the most common standard found in subdivision ordinances.  The subdivision regulations for the City of Durham/Durham County go further in that they require easements or road frontage be provided for access to non-commercial cemeteries.  None of the local governments contact had, in their subdivision or zoning ordinances, specific requirements for the protection of cemeteries, for permanent on-site identification of cemeteries or for providing buffers around cemeteries.


If the Board is interested in requiring subdivision applicants to identify cemeteries on plans and plats, for example, the Planning Board could review language that could easily be added to the requirements for plans and plats in the appendices of the Subdivision Ordinance.  Revisions to the appendices of the Subdivision Ordinance do not require a public hearing or action by the Board of Commissioners, rather they only require action by the Planning Board.


Changes to the Zoning Ordinance or to the text of the Subdivision Ordinance (other than the appendices) would require a recommendation from the Planning Board, a public hearing and action by the Board of Commissioners.  The Board of Commissioners could consider asking the Planning Board to make recommendations for amendments to the Zoning and/or Subdivision Ordinance that would, at a minimum, require cemeteries to be identified on plan submittals for subdivisions and/or for conditional and special use permit applications.  Staff could also do additional research on this subject and provide more information to the Planning Board.

The County Manager recommended that the Board direct the Planning Board to take steps to require that cemeteries be identified on subdivision plans and plats and that it also look at whether other amendments may be needed to the Subdivision Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance related to cemeteries.


Following discussion, Commissioner Baldwin made the motion that the Planning Board be given the compilation of what the Board had received at this meeting, and in addition would like for them to take a look at the language and make the Board of Commissioner a proposal based on the easements on a sketch plan, the easements on a cemetery access and cemetery delineation and that the Planning Board make a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners.  All voted in favor and the motion carried. 



David Nicholson informed the Board that we originally had scheduled the bid opening to receive bids for the jail demolition package for May 25, 2005.  However, we only received two proposals.  We re-advertised the bid and opened the proposals on Tuesday, June 14, 2005.  The County Manager had planned to report the results of the bid opening but instead asked that the report be delayed until the Board’s workshop next week. 


Mr. Nicholson had received a phone call from the apparent low bidder this morning indicating that there was an issue with one subcontractor’s proposal. 



Selena Coffey distributed copies of the County Manager’s Monthly Report for June 2005.  David Nicholson reviewed parts of the report with the Board, including, but not limited to the following:


Strategic Plan Updates – The industrial sector of the Strategic Plan.

Staff presented a site summary and asked the Planning Board to take a look at that.  It is on-going.


Flood Hazard Prevention Ordinance

Staff has been spending a lot of time on this ordinance and will continue to do so. 


Affordable Housing

Mr. Nicholson explained that there are a lot of things going on about housing strategies in our community in conjunction with the strategic plan including the development of a countywide affordable housing plan. A draft has been done and sent to HUD for their comments.  Staff has formalized our fair housing complaint procedure and posted it on the web.


Transportation Planning

Mr. Nicholson stated that staff would be able to report back to the Board soon that we’ve come up with a compromise with the NC DOT.  We anticipate a positive response from NC DOT on the issues of the public transportation program in Henderson County.


CIP review ---

Jail Demolition

Mr. Nicholson had just discussed the jail demolition package.  He explained that we would be a little off schedule due to the issue he discussed with the Board today.


Animal Shelter Construction

Mr. Nicholson plans to come to the Board at the next meeting with some updates on our animal services program.  Staff is negotiating some reductions in cost and hope to report back to the Board at the next meeting.  Cooper Construction has taken out the building permit.


Historic Courthouse Renovation

Mr. Nicholson has the next to the final drawings and plans to meet with the Courthouse Corporation to share those soon.  He authorized yesterday to take the schematic drawings and get a schematic design budget.  Hopefully staff will have that ready for the Board’s July meeting.

Human  Services Building Construction

Mr. Nicholson stated that the rain has slowed things down a little here but Cooper Construction has staff and subcontractors on the site working on the project.


Mills River Sewer Project

Mr. Nicholson explained that we advertised for phase II and III in Sunday’s paper and will be opening up the bids about mid-July.  These are the lines going to downtown Mills River, the business community downtown as well as the line that will eventually serve Mills River Elementary School.  There is still an easement issue between Duke Power and Henderson County.  We are trying to resolve it with Duke Power. Our engineers have provided some additional information.


Cane Creek Advisory Committee

There was a Cane Creek Advisory Committee meeting yesterday.  They looked at the preliminary engineering report for the Mud Creek Sewer line and recommended it.  There are some issues we are working through.  This is the line that will eventually go all the way to serve the Mountain Home Industrial Park, about 5 years down the road.  They hope to come to the Board in the next meeting or so to begin the process of getting this project started.


County Administration Relocation to City Water Building

There was some discussion regarding this.  The Board amended the Strategic Plan to relocate the Patrol Division to the old City Water Building in June of 2005, instead of County Administration.


Court Facilities

Mr. Nicholson reminded the Board of the discussion regarding a fourth courtroom due to the assignment of an additional judge to serve this area.  Staff will turn the current jury pool room into a fourth courtroom, change the jury pool room and relocate some offices.



Chairman Moyer called a 10 minute break.



David Nicholson reviewed the Enhancement List with the Commissioners, stating there were some items on that list that had not yet been discussed.



Mr. Nicholson had received a request from EMS about four paramedic positions to serve an Edneyville substation.  He stated that clearly the area we will need to serve, due to response time, will be the eastern part of our community.  Our response time to Edneyville and out that way is considerably higher than it is anywhere else in the county. He has begun a dialogue with the Edneyville Fire Department, Park Ridge Hospital, and county staff about looking at joining forces with the Fire Department and with Park Ridge Hospital to do something to serve that community.  There are still a lot of unanswered questions and will require a lot more work but this may be a consideration for the budget a year from now.


Rescue Squad

Mr. Nicholson has put the same amount of money in the budget for the Rescue Squad that was in the budget for them last year. This is an area the Board should consider as we look at the overall budget. HazMat costs have increased for them.  They also need to consider additional staff.



Mr. Nicholson had not received a request but there had been some discussions about providing a local match for the M.P.O. (Metropolitan Planning Organization to work on transportation issues). Justin Hembree briefly updated the Board.  By resolution the TAC has stated that they wish these other new entities to begin paying part of the administrative costs for the MPO.  The cost is estimated to be $12,422, our share. Mr. Hembree stated that we haven’t received a formal request for that from the MPO.  Before those funds could flow from the jurisdictions to the City of Asheville, an interlocal agreement would have to be reached between all agencies.  Federal regulations would require that.


Non Human Service Non-Profits

Selena Coffey referred the Board to the Non-Profit binder.  She stated that the Board heard from the Human Service Agencies during the public hearing and they are basically asking for additional funding.  The difference in the amount the County Manager recommended and what the Alliance requested for those agencies is $42,500. 


Voting Machines

A Commissioner asked for an update regarding voting machines. Mr. Nicholson stated that he didn’t really know much more about voting machines than he knew at the Board’s first budget workshop.  He keeps trying to find out   The machines that we currently have do not meet the new Federal guidelines so they will have to be replaced.  The Federal Government gave the State Government a block grant to replace voting machines.  Beverly Cunningham, our Elections Director, is working on the committee that is separating the money out and coming up with a recommendation.  She has indicated that we’ll be very pleased with the amount of money that may be assigned to us.  Several bills have been introduced in the General Assembly to go even further than the Federal law requires and that has to do with paper back-up ballots. He informed the Board that they may be stuck with an unfunded mandate.  It appears that we will get a substantial amount of grant eventually for the funds for replacing machines but may be forced to pay a higher cost for that. 



Mr. Nicholson distributed an alternative budget.  He stated that there are some things in the enhancement list that he really thinks need the Board’s due consideration.  The hand-out was entitled “Alternative A FY 2005-06 Budget”.  He reviewed the Reductions and Additions, things he could not recommend in the original base budget. 


Chairman Moyer called a 5 minute technical break, to change videotapes.



Chairman Moyer made the motion to go into closed session as allowed pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the following reason(s):


            1.(a)(2) To prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to Federal or North Carolina law, or not considered a public record under North Carolina law, in accordance with General Statute 143-318.10(e) and Article II of Chapter 11 of the Henderson County Code.


Continuation of Budget Workshop

Chairman Moyer called the meeting back to order at 12:05 for continuation of the Budget Workshop.

David Nicholson continued the review of Alternative A – Budget Enhancement List.


Following discussion of the items on the Alternative A List, Commissioner Messer mentioned briefly the lottery issue, ADM funds, and the NC DOT budget, all being issues that will greatly affect every county in North Carolina. Commissioner Messer is a Board Member for the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners. He also stated that the State of North Carolina may not adopt a budget until September or October which will also affect every county because our budgets are due to be adopted before then and we won’t know what is in the state budget.


It was the Chairman’s recommendation for the Board to have two more budget workshops, next Tuesday and Thursday evenings.





Chairman Moyer made the motion to set Tuesday, June 21at 6:00 p.m. and Thursday, June 23 at 6:00 p.m. for Workshops with respect to the budget, the floodplain ordinance, and the jail bids if necessary, and that the Board reserve the right to take action.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.





Chairman Moyer made the motion for the Board to go into closed session as allowed pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the following reason(s):


1.(a)(2) To prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to Federal or North Carolina law, or not considered a public record under North Carolina law, in accordance with General Statute 143-318.10(e) and Article II of Chapter 11 of the Henderson County Code.


2.(a)(4) To discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries or other businesses in the area served by the public body.


3.(a)(6) To consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee: or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee.


All voted in favor and the motion carried.



Commissioner McGrady made the motion to adjourn the meeting.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.







Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to the Board                           William L. Moyer, Chairman