The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at
Present were: Chairman William L. Moyer, Vice-Chairman Charlie Messer, Commissioner Shannon
Baldwin, Commissioner Chuck McGrady, Commissioner Larry Young, County Manager
Also present were:
Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Budget and Management Director Selena Coffey,
Public Information Officer Chris S.
Coulson, and Finance Director J. Carey
McLelland. Deputy Clerk to the Board Amy Brantley was present through
Chairman Moyer called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Commissioner Messer led
the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
David Nicholson gave the
Nichols stated that her family has had land at
David Nicholson asked
that item “D – Town of
Commissioner McGrady made the motion that the Board approve
the agenda with this one change. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner McGrady made the motion to approve the consent
agenda as presented. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
The consent agenda
included the following:
Draft minutes were
presented for the Board’s review and approval of the following meeting(s):
Tax Collector’s Report
Terry F. Lyda, Henderson
County Tax Collector, had provided the Tax Collector’s Report dated
Financial Report – February 2005
Cash Balance Report – February 2005
These reports were
presented for information and consent approval.
The YTD cost in the
General Fund Non-Departmental line item is the annual property/liability and
workers compensation insurance premiums paid to the NCACC Insurance Risk Pools
for FY2005. The remaining costs will be
allocated out to departmental budgets.
The YTD deficit in the
CDBG-Scattered Site Housing Project, the Mills River Watershed Protection
Project, the Mud Creek Watershed Restoration Fund and the Mills River Sewer
Capital Project are all temporary due to timing differences in the expenditure
of funds and the subsequent requisition of Federal and State grant funds to
reimburse these expenditures.
The Human Services
Building Project deficit is due to architectural fees, demolition/abatement and
utilities relocation work completed for this new facility. It is anticipated that these costs will be
recouped from financing proceeds for the project in May of this current fiscal
Henderson County Public Schools Financial Report – February
The Henderson County
School System provided this report for information and consent approval.
State ADM Fund Application
The current year budget
includes a revenue source from the Public School Building Capital Fund (“ADM
Fund”) which the County has programmed to pay debt service on the financing for
the Clear Creek and Etowah Elementary School Projects that were completed in
2003. Staff requested that the Board
consider approving the prepared ADM Fund application for $549,858 to pay this
debt service. The Board of Public Education has previously approved this
application to use these funds.
Mr. Nicholson informed
the Board it would be appropriate for them to approve the prepared ADM Fund
application at today’s meeting since these funds have been budgeted as revenue
in the current fiscal year. An
application to use State ADM funds requires approval from both the Board of
Commissioners and the Board of Public Education.
Resolution Concerning the Dissolution of Trend Mental Health
As part of the State’s
reform of the mental health system, North Carolina General Statutes require
that each county formally dissolve their local mental health authority. The time has come for the Trend Mental Health
Authority to be formally dissolved. As
the Board is well aware, the Western Highlands Network Board of Directors has
been serving as the Trend Board of Directors for more than a year. Therefore, this action is merely a formality
required by State law.
Staff recommended that
the resolution be adopted as presented.
Update Concerning Mental Health Issues
Considering the
community’s interest in issues surrounding the “reform” of the State’s mental
health system, staff felt that it was an appropriate time to update the Board
on local and regional mental health issues.
The presented memo provided a comprehensive update. No action was requested.
Lease Agreement with City of
Staff has been working
with the City of
Staff recommended
approval of the lease agreement as presented.
Request Public Hearing for Assignment and Reassignment of
Property Address Numbers
Staff requested a public
hearing date for the purpose of approving property address number assignment
and changes for
A public hearing date of
Request for Public Hearing for Road Names
Staff requested a public
hearing date for new road names for the following:
Lone Ridge Trail
A public hearing date of
Water Line Extensions
The City of
A City of
Extension of bidding process on Animal Shelter
As of
(As an aside, if fewer
than three qualified bidders submit bids on the project, the bid process must
be re-advertised, after which a bid may be accepted, regardless of the number
of bidders.)
This is a request to
extend the period for submitting bids on this project for a period of ten days,
through and up to
The Sheriff’s Department
requested the Board proclaim the week of June 19-25 as “North American Police
Working Dog Association Week”.
Chairman Moyer requested
the Board proclaim the week of April 17-23 as National Volunteer Week and thank
all volunteers and foster these positive initiatives.
The Board was requested
to support the preservation of this vital program at the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development and support a FY 2006 funding level of $4.7 billion
overall, and no less than $4.350 billion in formula funding. This would fund the program at its FY04 level
and restore the unwarranted cuts made to the program in FY05.
Cemeteries Awareness Month
The Cemetery Advisory
Committee requested that the Board declare May 2005 Cemeteries Awareness Month
Notification of Vacancies
The Board was notified
of the following vacancies and they will appear on the next agenda for
nominations: 1. Apple Country Greenways Commission – 1
Chairman Moyer reminded
the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to nominations:
Bob Goodwin, Pardee
Hospital CEO, had recommended Gayle Sams and we have an application on file for
her. The position is for a hospital
administrator or their nominee.
Chairman Moyer nominated
Gayle Sams to position #15 as the hospital representative. There were no other nominations. Chairman Moyer made the motion to accept Ms.
Sams by acclamation. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Environmental Advisory
Committee – 1 vac.
Commissioner McGrady
nominated John Thornton. There were no
other nominations. Chairman Moyer made
the motion to appoint Mr. Thornton by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Young
nominated Eric Goodman and Carolyn Swanner.
Commissioner Baldwin
nominated Mark Williams and Stacy Rhodes.
Commissioner McGrady
nominated Tedd Pearce.
Chairman Moyer stated
that since we have five nominees for three positions, we’ll roll these
appointments until the next meeting.
Chairman Moyer stated that
this has been started and he asked for two Commissioners who would be willing
to serve on that committee. Following
discussion, Chairman Moyer made the
motion that Bill Moyer and Chuck McGrady serve and start the process with
Juvenile Crime
Prevention Council – 2 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Nursing/Adult Care Home
Community Advisory Committee – 4 vac.
Perry Robinson is
currently serving and is willing to continue.
Commissioner Baldwin nominated Perry Robinson. Chairman Moyer made the motion to appoint Mr. Robinson. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
6. Solid
Waste Advisory Committee – 1 vac.
Chairman Moyer reminded
the Board that Tom McCullough was nominated on
David Nicholson informed
the Board that at the Joint School Facilities Committee meeting of
They have taken an
option on a piece of property on
Mr. Nicholson showed a
map of the property in question.
Mr. Nicholson
recommended that the Board take the following actions:
the presented construction time line as a guide for our capital planning
the purchase of the property at the suggested price.
staff to develop a request for proposal to receive offers from financial institutions
to finance this property. (This
financing would be rolled into the construction loan this fall.)
Following discussion, Chairman Moyer made the motion to approve
the construction time line as a guide for our capital planning purposes,
approve the purchase of the property in the name of Henderson County at $16,000
per acre and we will lease to the school system property not to exceed 20 acres for a school, based on a Master Plan
for the property that would indicate the location of the school and the
property needed for the school. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer made the motion for staff to develop a
Request for Proposals (RFP) to receive offers from all financial institutions
that would like to bid to finance this property on an interim basis to be
rolled into permanent construction later in the fall. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
David Nicholson explained
what a COPS (certificate of participation) is and how it works. He showed a
PowerPoint presentation which compared COPS to some of the other forms of
A Resolution had been
presented for consideration by the Board.
The resolution would give final approval to the past negotiations for
and the future execution of the financing documents for the
The financing documents
referred to in this resolution were included in the agenda packet for the
He reviewed his memo to
the Board dated April 4, as follows. The
Board of Education received bids on the renovation and addition to
We have been working
with our underwriters, bond council and the Local Government Commission today
to determine how to proceed with the financing.
Staff from the LGC suggested that we increase the amount of borrowing. Bond Council stated that based on the
documents we could borrow an additional $500,000. The LGC concurred with this
amount. Below I have addressed the
Board authorizing the additional $500,000.
the original 26 million and wait until the bid opening for the
more than the 26 million is needed for combined projects, we would have to hold
public hearing and increase the total amount to be borrowed.
the 26 million and provide local cash to balance the project budget.
Mr. Nicholson
recommended that the Board take the following actions:
that the Board of Education work with their architect and the lowest
responsible bidder to identify any possible cost savings in this project.
an increased maximum borrowing of $26,500,000.
Carey McLelland
distributed an updated Resolution to approve this issue for the Board’s review
and approval.
Following discussion,
Commissioner McGrady made the motion to
approve the “Resolution Approving An Installment Financing Of School And County
Administrative Facilities And The Sale Of Not More Than $26,500,000
Certificates Of Participation, Series 2005A And Authorizing The Execution And
Delivery Of Documents In Connection Therewith and authorize the Chair to
communicate with the Board of Education requesting that they work with their
architect and the lowest responsible bidder to identify possible cost savings
for the school project. All voted in favor and the motion passed.
Chairman Moyer called a
5 minute recess.
PUBLIC HEARING To Consider a Moratorium (Interim
Development Ordinance) on Zoning Changes and Other Land Use Issues for the US
Highway 25 North Zoning Study Area
Commissioner Messer made the motion for the Board to go into
public hearing. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Karen Smith reminded the
Board that the Henderson County Planning Board finalized a set of rezoning
recommendations back in December of 2004 and forwarded them to the Board of
Commissioners in the form of a report with some maps on December 21, 2004. In that report, the Planning Board stated
that it supported the recommendations of the zoning study and that the
recommendations followed the direction and goals of the Henderson County 2020
Comprehensive Plan, also known as the CCP. However the Planning Board also
stated the need for the County to update its current zoning ordinance. Once a
new ordinance was available the Planning Board recommended that it be allowed
to revisit the US 25 North Zoning Study Area to refine its recommendations
using the new ordinance, to be more consistent with the CCP. The Planning Board felt that the rezoning recommendations
for the study area could better implement the CCP if tools recommended in that
plan were available, for example the Comprehensive Plan recommends the
development of a Land Development Code which would update and combine various
Land Use Ordinances that the county already has, including zoning. The
Comprehensive Plan also recommended a Proposed Flood Damage Prevention
Ordinance that would look at standards for land uses and growth management that
include things such as access management along roads, design and development
standards for projects, sedimentation and erosion control, stormwater and many
more. The Board of Commissioners received the report from the Planning Board
and held a special called meeting to review the recommendations on
Tonight’s hearing on the
Interim Development Ordinance for the US 25 North Area is proposed for adoption
pursuant to state regulations. For the
purposes of providing notice of the hearing, staff followed state statutes and
our local Zoning Ordinance requirements for a zoning map amendment which
included mailed notice of the hearing to the property owners within the entire
US 25 North Study Area and those adjacent.
Planning staff had previously sent postcards letting them know that the
other hearing had been postponed and about the interim cessation and then about
this hearing as well. Notices of the hearing were published as legal ads in the
Times-News on March 23 and
Karen Smith stated that
the Planning Board met on March 29 in a special called meeting in order to get
recommendations to the Board of Commissioners in time for tonight’s public
hearing. The Planning Board took three separate actions at that meeting:
terms of the refinements by the Planning Board, Karen Smith stated that with a
few exceptions the area that the Planning Board proposed to be subject to the
moratorium or Interim Development Ordinance are those parcels that run along
and near US 25 between the Town of Fletcher on the north and the City of
Hendersonville’s extra-territorial jurisdiction to the south. They are in the
County’s planning jurisdiction and exclude several that are in municipal
jurisdictions. They are parcels that are
already zoned Commercial or those that are currently zoned Open Use but were
proposed by the Planning Board in its recommendations back in December to be
zoned commercially or to be zoned rural conservation and that rural
conservation district was applied mainly in areas where there is flood plain.
There are several parcels that are zoned Office & Institutional. The US 25
North Zoning Study Area that had been recommended by the Planning Board back in
December contained approximately 5,556 acres.
The interim development area recommended by the Planning Board reduces
the geographical scope of the area affected by the proposed Interim Development
Ordinance by at least 75%, compared to the zoning study area boundary.
addition to reducing the size of the area affected by the Interim Development
Ordinance, the second action the Planning Board took at its March 29 meeting
was to recommend by an 8-0 vote some changes to the text of the Interim
Development Ordinance the Board of Commissioners had referred to it. Many of
the changes that the Planning Board made were to reflect the reduced size of
the affected area and for clarification of the text. However, the Planning Board did also move
some uses from the list of those not affected or the list of allowed uses to
the list of uses that would not be permitted in the area affected by the
Interim Development Ordinance. The
Planning Board Chairman, Tedd Pearce, was present and would speak when Ms.
Smith was finished. The draft
recommended from the Planning Board would prevent, for the term of the
Ordinance, some but not all types of development within the affected area. These are the uses that were seen as being
more intensive or having a greater potential impact on traffic, service
delivery, the character of US 25, etc. Some
of the uses, and this is not an all-inclusive list, that would not be permitted
include but are not limited to many nonresidential uses. Uses that would be prohibited are new larger
scale and higher density residential developments, new commercial or industrial
subdivisions of land, new signs requiring a permit under the county’s outdoor
advertising sign ordinance, basically new billboards, new expansions or new uses
that would require certain permits in the open use district and it also
restricts most filling, grading, dredging, and development activities within
floodways and floodplains. The Ordinance
also spells out a number of uses that are not going to be subject to the
ordinance or that would be exempt from the ordinance. It includes most of your
existing uses of land including those that might be proposed and which would
already have a permit issued by either the Inspections Department, County
Zoning, that sort of thing, bonafide farms, other agriculture, forestry,
fishing and hunting uses, as well as public utilities as classified by the
North American Industry Classification System, accessory buildings, home
occupations, the smaller residential subdivisions and up to 10 lots and lower
density manufactured home parks (both of those are limited to 2 units per acre
maximum density), buildings and facilities for emergency service providers,
communications towers that would conform with our regulations, certain signs,
and projects which have a valid statutory vested right granted by this Board
and we have two projects within the area
that Ms. Smith is aware of that have such a vested right. All of the
uses that are exempted would still have to comply with applicable local, state,
and federal requirements. In addition to
restricting certain uses, this proposed Interim Development Ordinance would
also prevent the acceptance and consideration of rezoning applications within
the affected area on those green parcels within the term of the Interim
Development Ordinance. The proposed term
at this point, as recommended by the Planning Board is for the ordinance to be
in effect for 18 months, unless terminated sooner by either an action by the
Board of Commissioners or the adoption of a new Land Development Code and the
application of the Code to the Study Area through a zoning map amendment. As indicated in the Board’s 2005 Strategic
Plan, staff anticipates that the draft of the new Land Development Code would
be presented to the Board of Commissioners by December of 2005 and preferably
by the fall of 2005 following review and recommendations by the Planning
Board. The remainder of the 18 months
proposed would be to allow the Board of Commissioners to consider the draft, to
hold the public hearing, make any necessary modifications, and take action on
the text. Once the text is through, staff and the Planning Board would then
work on map amendments. The initial idea
was to be working on map amendments for the entire county with a focus on the
small area plan for the US 25 North corridor.
Once we have recommendations for a zoning map amendment, staff would
take this to the Planning Board, then to the Board of Commissioners, public
hearing, etc. Some Planning Board members did express some concern about the
impact of the Interim Development Ordinance on economic development activities
that might be large scale projects and also that the limited time that the
Board had to respond didn’t have the opportunity to gather public input. That is in the Board’s hands this evening.
third action the Planning Board took on March 29 by 8-0 vote was to recommend
that the Board of Commissioners hold a public hearing on the rezoning
recommendations previously made by the Planning Board for the properties that
would not be subject to the Interim Development Ordinance. There is one little piece from their prior
recommendations that was subject to the rezoning the Commissioners approved
several months ago for the State and some county properties but they
recommended that piece stay as it was recently rezoned. They asked that the Board of Commissioners go
forward and in order to do that the Board of Commissioners would have to
reschedule the public hearing that was supposed to have occurred on March 21,
advertised for a new area, dependent on what action the Board takes this
Tedd Pearce, Chairman of
the Planning Board, then spoke briefly and was available to answer questions. He
stated that some of these recommendations were just clean-up or house keeping
issues. The Planning Board tried to propose something that would be workable
and effect the least number of people possible.
He expressed that the
goals appear to be that the Board wants to be in a position to have a Land
Development Code that would allow the Board to see to it that the commercial
growth (primarily) that will take place on 25 North in the next 20-25 years
will be a good addition to Henderson
County and make a nice corridor that we can be proud of and that will enhance
the entire community.
Mr. Pearce stated that
in the next 20 years it’s almost inevitable that 25 North become a commercial
Public Input
bottom line of the memo was that they requested the boundary line for the
moratorium be revised to exclude their property. They felt that any such
boundary should not include those parcels that had been zoned for many years
and that are not recommended for any change in their zoning status.
No one else had signed
up to speak. Chairman Moyer recognized
Tedd Pearce who made a few clarifications.
Mr. Pearce recommended that if the Board were not going to enact a
moratorium, he would strongly urge that they get back immediately to the
process of rezoning the properties in this area and doing something in the
interim to prevent any more building permits being pulled in the open use areas
which basically allows people to pull a permit and hang onto the permit and try
to keep it current and they’re no longer affected by the Board’s plans for
Commissioner McGrady
stated that the ordinance is directed only at changes in uses of the property,
not in trying to restrict present uses.
Some people raised the issue of wanting to potentially add additional
buildings, renovate and repair for current uses. The proposed ordinance would allow new accessory
buildings and renovations, repairs, and even expansions of existing uses on the
property would be allowed under this ordinance.
Karen Smith answered
some questions from the Board.
Commissioner McGrady made the motion that the Board go out
of public hearing. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer stated
that there would be no more input coming to the Board, the record is basically
closed. Board discussion followed.
Commissioner Young made the motion not to enact a moratorium,
but to continue to zone properties on that highway on a piece by piece basis as
they come before the Planning Board and then to the Board of Commissioners, and
to try to be fair to everybody.
Karen Smith reminded the
Board that if they wanted to proceed with a public hearing, staff would have to
re-advertise it so they need a minimum of three weeks to prepare for a public
hearing, post the property, and notice it in the Times-News. It must be done no later than 10 days prior
to the Public Hearing, no more than 25 days.
If the Board wished to hold it at
A vote was taken and the motion failed two to three with
Commissioners Messer and Young voting aye.
Following much
discussion, Commissioner Messer made the
motion to have a public hearing with respect to the last 25 North zoning
recommendation put forth by the Planning Board to the Board of Commissioners.
There was continued
discussion. Commissioner Messer withdrew his motion.
Commissioner McGrady made the motion to adopt the IDO
(Interim Development Ordinance)as recommended
by the Planning Board with one
change, putting a moratorium in place for 12 months rather than 18 months and
to proceed with a public hearing at the earliest possible date to consider
zoning throughout the entire US 25 North Zoning Study Area. A vote was taken
and the motion carried three to two with Commissioners Messer and Young voting
Chairman Moyer called a
5 minute technical recess.
PUBLIC HEARING – Variance Application #CTV-05-01
Pegasus Tower Company, Applicant Harold K. Timmons, Applicant’s Agent –
Chairman Moyer – “Alright, we’re in public hearing. Good evening.
We now begin the hearing of a quasi-judicial proceeding, which we have
to do, on this matter – on the application of Pegasus Tower Company Ltd. for a
variance application# CTV-05-01 under Henderson County Communications Tower
Ordinance. As I said, this will be a
quasi-judicial hearing. We have to
follow our rules with respect to it.
Parties have to be – automatic parties are those that the Board allows
to become parties. Those parties
included will be Karen Smith, Henderson County Planning Director; Natalie
Berry, Henderson County Zoning Administrator; Pegasus Tower Company and its
representative as applicant; and such other persons allowed to become parties
by this Board. Only those persons who
can demonstrate that they will be affected by the outcome of the decision are
allowed to participate in the proceeding as parties.
First, are there any
Board members who feel that they cannot sit as impartial decision maker in
today’s proceeding? No one has indicated
they have any problems. Have any of the Board members received any information
concerning this application that’s not a matter of public record that they
would like to disclose at this time? No one spoke up.
OK, all persons who
speak and participate, including any witnesses that will be called will be
placed under oath. The Board will ask
staff for an overview of the application, then the applicant will present
evidence the applicant wishes to present in support of their request. After the applicant is finished, anyone else
who has expressed a desire and who the Board has recognized as a party would
then be allowed to present their evidence.
All parties will be given an opportunity to ask questions of all
witnesses testifying in the proceeding.
The Board will have a chance to ask questions throughout the
proceeding. After the evidence is
presented, the Board will discuss the issues raised and may make a
decision. The board can also put off the
decision for up to 45 days. We will now
proceed to identify all parties to the proceeding. Are there any people here, other than the
ones I mentioned for staff or for Pegasus that would like to be parties to this
proceeding? If so, come forward,
indicate your name and what your interest in this matter and then the Board
will determine whether you become a party.”
Elizabeth Corn - “Mr. Chairman, we had about eight people sign
up. If it’s okay, I’ll just call them to the podium and they’ll address you in
this order.”
Chairman Moyer – “Alright, that’ll be fine.”
Elizabeth Corn – “Charles Lewis”
Charles Lewis – “Yes”
Elizabeth Corn – “If you’ll come address the Board, please.”
Chairman Moyer – “Now you’re not – you’re not giving your
evidence now. All you’re doing is
indicate why you want to be a party.”
Charles Lewis – “I understand.
My name is Charles Lewis. I live
at 174 Judd’s
Chairman Moyer – “Any problem?
You’re admitted as a party, thank you.”
Elizabeth Corn – “William Wilkes”
William Wilkes – “My name is William Wilkes. I live at
Chairman Moyer – “Any problem? Alright, next.”
Elizabeth Corn – “Paul Stoney”
Paul Stoney – “Good evening. I live on
Chairman Moyer – “Any problems? Alright, you’re admitted.”
Elizabeth Corn – “Curt Watkins – no Curt Watkins?”
Chairman Moyer – “Is Mr. Watkins in the room? Alright.”
Elizabeth Corn – “Joan Husni”
Joan Husni – “I live on
Commissioner Messer – “Where did you say you live?”
Joan Husni – “Orchard Hill.
Mr. Wilkes just mentioned that there was a possibility of a competing
tower going on Orchard Hill and that would be within less than a mile of each
Chairman Moyer – “But we will not be discussing competing
towers as part of this proceeding.”
Joan Husni – “Well, I don’t know about height of the one
that they’re proposing tonight or the type of tower, or the type of lighting,
whether it’s gonna be strobe lighting or – these are the questions, if they are
not answered.”
Chairman Moyer – “We’ll make you as a part but I’m gonna restr…
be careful with.”
Joan Husni – “Yeah, that’s what I say – I want to know
these – if they’re gonna answer them, OK?”
Chairman Moyer – “Is that alright, we’ll just keep”
Commissioner Baldwin – “Well, I’d just like to say that if there are
concerns about a – if there is an interest in a competing tower, then I think
these folks can gather information. I
don’t know that they necessarily qualify, unless they are an adjoining property
owner and live in the area.”
Talking – too many
people talking at once. I couldn’t make
any of it out.
Joan Husni – “Judd’s Peak comes up to
Chairman Moyer – “OK but will the appearance of this tower
affect you in any way?”
Commissioner Baldwin – “That’s all we’re concerned about.”
Joan Husni – “Well I’d like to know the height and the
type of – if they’re gonna put strobe lighting or something.”
Commissioner McGrady – “Can we ask counsel to.”
Russ Burrell – “Let me go into what you have to determine as
a Board. You’re here for a request for a variance. To grant this variance the Board needs to
make specific findings of fact that there are practical difficulties or
unnecessary hardships in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the
ordinance. Now that means on the property on which it’s applied for but that
the variance applied for is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of
the ordinance and preserves the spirit and in granting the variance the public
safety and welfare have been assured and substantial justice has been
done. That’s what you need to
consider. That’s the light in which you
need to decide who should be a party.”
Chairman Moyer – “Then I think you’re gonna have to say more
other than you’re concerned about a competing tower. I don’t.
I personally”
Joan Husni – “The reason
is because – in speaking to the Mayor in
Chairman Moyer – “But the issue here tonight is a variance.”
Joan Husni – “Yes and in the variance wouldn’t they say
the height of the tower and what kind of lighting or what kind of tower?”
Commissioner Messer – “I don’t have a problem with her sitting on
but I don’t think she should be a party.”
Chairman Moyer – “No Mam, you can listen and get all that
information but you don’t really, I don’t believe have standing as a party.”
Joan Husni – “They will be, I mean they will be answering
those questions.”
Chairman Moyer – “They may, that’s – some of that may come out
but you cannot participate in the hearing.”
David Nicholson – “Karen”
Commissioner Baldwin – “You may listen and stay and gather that
information as it comes out.”
Joan Husni – “Well that’s okay, that’s what I”
David Nicholson – “Can Karen just find – they have to follow
their rules and regulations but they are asking for a variance on one issue, a
very specific issue so”
Karen Smith – “We can get you that information.”
Joan Husni – “I just didn’t know if that’s part of that.”
Chairman Moyer – “Who’s next Ms.”
Elizabeth Corn – “Rosalind Campbell”
Chairman Moyer – “No longer here, okay.”
Elizabeth Corn – “Martha Johnson”
Martha Johnson – “My niece and I own the land that’s
surrounding where the tower’s going.”
Chairman Moyer – “Alright, I have no problem there.”
Elizabeth Corn – “Mary Mowery”
Mary Mowery – “Hi, I’m not sure if I –I’m Mary Mowery and I
live at 142 Judd’s Peak Road which is right next door to Charlie Lewis and
across the street from Ms. Johnson and although I’m not a property owner, my
family has rented the same property for 22 years and I feel like I have a
vested interest in the neighborhood so I’d like an opportunity to speak.”
Commissioner Baldwin – “Definitely legal counsel on that.”
Russ Burrell – “You know I’m not sure from that I understand
exactly where that sits. I mean if it's within a … view and then you have to
decide whether that – a right to rent is gonna continue in the future as a
substantial enough right.”
Commissioner McGrady – “22 years worth of rental I guess is a
substantial enough right and it’s a question of – I mean clearly if she was
directly adjoining this property, you wouldn’t have any problem. You’re – this – you’re basically adjoining
the adjoining property is what we’ve got.”
Commissioner Baldwin – “I don’t know if I agree with that.”
Chairman Moyer – “Well let’s”
Commissioner McGrady - “Well I guess I err on the side of allowing a
party to be in, there’s no harm in doing that and in this case just”
Chairman Moyer – “Alright, you’re admitted as a party.”
Mary Mowery – “Thank you.”
Elizabeth Corn – “That’s all I have Mr. Chairman.”
Commissioner Baldwin – “Shouldn’t we revisit then – if we’re gonna
let her in, shouldn’t we revisit the other issue?”
Commissioner McGrady – “The other one isn’t even an adjoining of an
adjoining. It’s”
Chairman Moyer – “But he said he owned the property that the
tower’s occup”
Commission McGrady “No, no, no”
Commissioner Baldwin – “But she’s in with view.”
Chairman Moyer – “Go ahead.”
Someone from the audience – “Can I speak to that? Mrs. Hosni’s
property is in view of the proposed tower, at least as much so as Mr.
Stoney’s. In addition, as we will
present, there is the possibility that if this tower is denied a tower will be
built by the City of – or on property owned by the City of Saluda which will
directly affect people who live in Henderson County, adjoining that property
and so it is possible if this tower is denied that a competing tower could be
created over which you would have no jurisdiction that which could have
negative effect on Henderson County residents.”
Chairman Moyer – “But I – my – I’ll go to our counsel but I
did not think that was relevant for this proceeding.”
Russ Burrell – “You’re very limited in what you can hear
evidence on tonight.”
Chairman Moyer – “That’s right.”
Someone from the audience – “Well, OK.”
Elizabeth Corn – “What was your name sir?”
“I’m sorry, I’m William
Wilkes, yeah.”
Chairman Moyer – “Well, would all the parties please come
forward and be sworn in by our Clerk, Mrs. Corn, please.”
Elizabeth Corn – “I need each of you to touch the Bible with
your left hand, raise your right hand. Do you swear or affirm that the
testimony you shall give to the Board of County Commissioners shall be the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?”
All in unison – “I do.”
Chairman Moyer – “Mrs. Smith and Ms.
Karen Smith – “Yes, Mr. Chairman. Actually I’m gonna turn
it over to Natalie Berry who I want to introduce to the Board for the first
time. She’s our Zoning Administrator,
been with us since about November.”
Chairman Moyer – “OK, Ms.
Natalie Berry – “Thank you.
Good evening. My name is Natalie
Berry for the record and I’m the zoning administrator for
I would like to share
with you just some general information of why we’re here today. I received an application from Pegasus Tower
Company December 20, let me – just one second let me find my place here – okay
Chairman Moyer – “Thank you for that overview.”
Natalie Berry – “If I can answer any questions.”
Chairman Moyer – “I will get your evidence in a little
bit. We’ll now move to the applicant’s
evidence. Who is the spokesman – OK.”
Harold Timmons – “Good evening. For the record, my name is Harold Timmons. I am the zoning manager for Pegasus Tower
Company. Pegasus Tower Company is
located at
Let me proceed:
we believe that the use of the property and our objective can be accomplished
without harm or injury to the surrounding properties for the spirit and intent
of the zoning ordinance. The subject
easement requirement imposes, in our view, an unnecessary hardship because the
same goal of safety can be preserved without the easements.
the land owners property is adequate in size to meet the physical set back
requirements of the ordinance however the requirement that an easement be
obtained from land owners within the distance of the tower height creates a
practical hardship. This requirement is
only applied to towers and since most towers can be designed to collapse upon
the property they are on without encroaching on the adjacent property, as a
practical matter we feel it is unnecessary.
it is our belief that most land owners do not want to encumber their property
with unnecessary easements. The need to encumber someone else’s land due to a
use on your property is not as a practical matter very popular. We think this is especially true when there
are other alternatives to achieve incomparable safety without placing an
easement on someone else’s property.
None of the land owners in this area have expressed opposition to our
request to Pegasus Tower Company. We
have sent out on two separate occasions certified notices to adjacent land
owners and land owners within 400 feet of the property that we’re proposing and
till this point in time we have not received any calls, any letters, any
e-mails or any faxes in opposition to our request. However one land owner did indicate that they
would not grant an easement as I mentioned earlier and they did not indicate
that they were opposed to the tower. In
order for us to avoid the need for these easements, the proposed structure
would have to be reduced in height down to 108 feet. This would allow for a radius that would be
completely within the subject property; however, at this height the … user and
all other subsequent users would only obtain an adequate level of service which
in essence defeats the purpose of having the structure in the first place.
we view that the general objective of this provision is to advise adjacent land
owners of the potential for harm and to get them to agree to accept the
potential for harm via an easement on their property. It is designed to – as a protection, a
protection in safety in our view. We
acknowledge its merits and we too believe that safety in these instances is
paramount. However, by designing a tower
to collapse within the property, we feel we can duplicate and well as further
the aspect of community safety while offering an alternative that is in keeping
with the spirit and intent of this provision.
We propose to make structural modifications that would create a fall
area radius of 30% of the tower’s height and this is supported by structural
engineer’s letter that we submitted in the packet of information for the
variance. This would equate to about 63
feet and it would remain on the subject property.
Pegasus Tower Company believes that the granting of the requested variance
would have the practical effect of improving the general safety around the area
of the tower when designed to this stringent standard. We do not feel that the granting of the
variance establishes a precedent, if it does then it is certainly a positive
one as it seeks to enhance safety within the community as opposed to the
proposed alternative that would lessen or diminish safety.
We respectfully request
that the Board consider our issues and our obstacles in this matter and grant
our request for a variance and allow us to move forward providing our wireless
client with the structure they need and the location that they have analyzed
and deemed acceptable for their technology and their proposed network. That
completes my presentation. I certainly
would be happy to try to answer any questions that you have at this time.”
Chairman Moyer – “Any questions for Mr. Timmons? Thank you, we may have some.”
Russ Burrell – “Any of the other parties can ask questions.”
Chairman Moyer – “Just stay close by the mic and this
gentleman has a question for you.”
Someone from audience
– “I’m sorry I don’t have a copy for everybody of what I’ll be referring
Chairman Moyer – “Are you gonna give testimony?”
Someone from audience – “Beg your pardon?”
Chairman Moyer – “The only thing you can do now is ask Mr.
Timmons a question. You’ll have a chance
to give your testimony later.”
Commissioner Baldwin – “So let – for the record let me see if I
understand this correctly. You are
asking for a variance to the requirement that you obtain a waiver”
Someone – “Easement”
Commissioner Baldwin – “Yeah, an easement. You’re asking for a waiver from the easement
Harold Timmons – “That is correct.”
Commissioner Baldwin – “That is what you’re requesting?”
Harold Timmons – “Yes”
Commissioner Baldwin – “I would, I would, I would submit to the
Board that this does not qualify for a variance.”
Chairman Moyer – “Well lets, we have to let the testimony all
come out.”
Commissioner Baldwin – “You don’t have to if it doesn’t qualify.”
Chairman Moyer – “Well”
Commissioner Baldwin – “And I don’t believe this qualifies for the
simple fact that you cannot remove a requirement or a kind or a type from the
ordinance but you can vary the amount and that’s what we’re doing, we’re saying
a requirement we’re gonna potentially waive the requirement. If we were waiving a number, a set back, a
height requirement that’s a different issue but what we’re being asked to do
technically isn’t an amendment to the ordinance and we cannot do that.”
Chairman Moyer – “We certainly can’t do it at this proceeding.
Sir, you have a question?”
Someone from the audience – “Yes”
Chairman Moyer – “Go ahead.”
Someone from the audience – “I’d like to ask you what this red
line represents?”
Harold Timmons – “That red line is represent a radius from the
center of the tower that extends out, I believe 200 feet which will then be the
areas in which easements are needed.”
Someone from the audience – “And that’s the area that you seek to
have the exception to pull those back into the – to the Wilkes property?”
Harold Timmons – “We seek to have that requirement
Someone from the audience – “OK , OK and that’s 200 feet all the
way around. That’s the present – present:”
Harold Timmons – “That’s the proposed
location, yes correct.”
Elizabeth Corn – “We need your name sir, for the record.”
Chairman Moyer – “Would you go to the mic and state your name,
you didn’t indicate your name when you asked your question so.”
Someone from the audience – “I’m sorry, Charles Lewis.”
Elizabeth Corn – “Thank you.”
Chairman Moyer – “Alright. Any other questions for Mr. Timmons
at this time? OK, thank you. Staff’s evidence?
You want to put on evidence at this time Ms.
Natalie Berry – “Yes sir.”
Chairman Moyer – “OK”
Natalie Berry – “As the ordinance administrator, I’m not in
support of the variance request for the following reasons:
County Zoning Office received a letter from the property owner stating she
would not sign the required easement document that I showed you a few minutes
applicant has had discussions with the City of
intent of section 81-6.B(2)(a)[10] of the Communications Tower Ordinance is to
give property owners within the closest proximity of a proposed tower a right
to prevent the siting of the tower by refusing to provide the required
easements. The easement acquisition
documents are therefore an integral part of the application process for a
communication tower.
81-10 of the Communications Tower Ordinance covers the procedures for variance
requests and the findings and conclusions that the Board of Commissioners must
make in order to grant a variance. It
because of severe topographical or other conditions peculiar to the site,
strict adherence to the provisions of this chapter would cause an unnecessary
hardship, the Board of Commissioners may authorize a variance, if such variance
can be made without compromising the intent of this chapter. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no variance
may be issued allowing the modification of any height restriction or limitation
contained in this chapter.’
also states:
Board of Commissioners shall consider the public health, safety and welfare
when ruling on applications for variance.
Any grant of a variance pursuant to this Section 81-10 must be based
upon specific findings of the fact made by the Board that support the following
are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in the way of carrying out
the strict letter of this chapter.
variance applied for is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this
chapter and preserves its spirit.
the granting of the variance, the public safety and welfare have been assured
and substantial justice has been done.
Ordinance Administrator does not think that the variance application, as
submitted, provides the Board of Commissioners with the facts it needs to make
the necessary findings and conclusions to grant the variance.
That’s my case.”
Chairman Moyer – “Mr. Timmons, you have any questions for Ms.
Harold Timmons – “I’ll keep my comments till the end after all
testimony has been rendered and I have the opportunity to come back and
Chairman Moyer – “Alright, well I’ll get to that in a
minute. Do any other parties have
questions for Ms.
Commissioner Baldwin – “I – I’ve – I’ve got another question. I just want to make clear I’m understanding
this correctly. We’re not asking for the
radius to be relaxed. We’re – the
request is for the requirement.”
Natalie Berry – “Correct”
Commissioner Baldwin – “To have – have the easement waived?”
Natalie Berry – “Correct.”
Commissioner Baldwin – “Those are very different.”
Natalie Berry – “Now when we accepted the application we were
not sure that it was something that would be a variance request so we did get
with Russell and he said we needed to accept the application as is and present
it to the Board.”
Chairman Moyer – “Well Russell may be able to give me some
advice too but I think we’ve heard the applicant’s evidence and we can give the
applicant one more chance. We’ve heard
staff’s evidence. I think the
conclusions as Commissioner Baldwin indicated is quite clear in this case. Do you wish to proceed or is the Board ready
to move on this matter.”
Commissioner McGrady – “We ought to hear from everybody.”
Chairman Moyer – “What”
Commissioner Baldwin – “I don’t have a problem with letting folks
speak but I – you know – it’s really a point of order and I’m willing to defer
to counsel on the issue though”
Russell Burrell – “All the”
Commissioner Baldwin – “Counsel let it through so let’s hear it.”
Russell Burrell – “I don’t think we had all of what made up the
request at the time but I think you – once you’re in this hearing you need to
go through and complete the hearing process and then make a decision.”
Harold Timmons – “I think one of the points that I wanted to
bring back out and I don’t know if this is an appropriate time or not, if you
want me to talk now or if you want me to wait till everybody else has said what
they have to say?”
Chairman Moyer – “I’ll let you speak now if you wish.”
Harold Timmons – “OK uh in regards to whether or not this
should be a variance request or not, I think I have to respectfully disagree
with Mr. Bal – Commissioner Baldwin on the basis that under 81-10 in the first
sentence it pretty much says here that because of severe topographical or other
conditions peculiar to the site, strict adherence to the provisions of this
chapter. Is this easement requirement
not a provision of this chapter? I would
say it is a provision of this chapter and this statement thereby opens the door
for consideration as a variance.
Secondly, as far as the easement requirement goes, the requirement you
have and this may be relevant or not but the requirement that you have, you
have basically granted the ability to approve or deny a request to an adjacent
land owner. That is a power that is
solely reserved for this Board and it’s agents.
Think about that for a minute. No
one can build anything. We couldn’t
build a tower on a site or anyone unless they can get an easement. You can’t get an easement because the
landowner holds the power and control to take it, to give it or to take it as
he pleases. So I just wanted to make sure that that point was brought out. And secondly, also the easement itself.
There’s no detail or information indicating how that easement should be
worded. That landowner can build him a
house right in that easement if he wants to because the ordinance doesn’t speak
to that so you can get the easement and it’s designed to assure safety but
unless there’s something that prevents them from building a structure in that
easement, where’s the safety? What we propose is to keep our structure on our
property where it should be. That, I
think, is in the best public interest.
Also, I think that – you know this is a quasi-judicial hearing. The points that are made here and suggested
and brought up should be relevant to the – to the- to the issue at hand. The issue at hand is whether or not we prove
our case that we should have an easement or not, not whether or not the view
affects anyone, not whether it affects their property values or any of those
things because they are not relevant to the variance request so I would ask you
respectfully to try to keep the comments directly on point and to the issue at
hand, thank you very much.”
Chairman Moyer – “I will do that, thank you. Would you call the witnesses in the order
that – I mean the parties in the order that”
Elizabeth Corn – “Charles Lewis”
Chairman Moyer – “Mr. Lewis, do you wish to give, to make a
Charles Lewis – “Yes I do.”
Chairman Moyer – “And I will hold these statements to be
relevant to the issue of the variance, not whether there’s a tower or anything
like that. It has to be on the issue of
the variance.”
Charles Lewis – “I understand.”
Chairman Moyer – “OK”
Charles Lewis – “I don’t have – I don’t have a copy for
Chairman Moyer – “That’s alright, just so you keep one.”
Charles Lewis – “I’m Charles Lewis. I refer you to page 2 of that hand-out. The
red line indicates the easement area that the applicant seeks to have waived
and the reason that we’re here is purely and simply that that property is not
sufficient to put a tower on. If you’ll
look at that easement area, it’s a considerable area. It reaches out into Judd’s
Commissioner McGrady – “One question. Your property is within that zone, right?”
Charles Lewis – “Yes, if you look at (two or more people were talking and I cannot
make out).
Commissioner McGrady – “The answer’s yes, right?”
Charles Lewis – “Yes”
Commissioner McGrady – “And you’re telling us that you would not provide such an
easement, is that right?”
Charles Lewis – “I would not provide an easement and I don’t
know of any law that obligates me to go to.”
Commissioner McGrady – “That’s a different point. I just wanted to find out those fact – those
two facts.”
Charles Lewis – “I will not grant an easement.”
Commissioner McGrady – “Thank you.”
Chairman Moyer – “Stay there for a minute sir. Staff, Mr.
Timmons, anybody have any questions for this party while he’s here? Alright, thank you very much.”
Elizabeth Corn – “William Wilkes.”
William Wilkes – “Well I think Mr. Timmons has demonstrated
that the proposed tower application at least meets the spirit and intent of the
law which is to protect the general safety of the public. We have admitted evidence as nearly as I can
tell from the zoning administrator concerning the possible siting of a tower on
the City of
Chairman Moyer – “No and I will not grant you that, that’s not
relevant to the variance that we have here.”
William Wilkes – “She brought the subject up. Thank you very
much. That’s all I have.”
Commissioner Baldwin – “And – and we probably need to emphasize that
that’s not something for us to consider, cannot consider that.”
Commissioner McGrady – “It was only brought up, I believe, for the
purposes of showing that there are potentially alternative sites, not that –
there is no critical need for this piece of property, I assume.”
Chairman Moyer – “So whenever”
Commissioner McGrady – “But it’s not – can’t be used for any other
.. I mean it’s a very limited reason why
that’s brought up. It doesn’t – it
doesn’t – it’s not relevant in any other regard.”
Chairman Moyer – “And then – and all information with respite
to the other site should be disregarded.
It’s not relevant to the variance as Commissioner Baldwin indicated. The
next party.”
Elizabeth Corn – “Paul Stoney.”
Paul Stoney – “Alright, it is my understanding you all
disallowed comments regarding – in view of property value, is that”
Chairman Moyer – “That’s correct.”
Paul Stoney – “Well that basically disallows my concern at
this time but I would like to bring your attention to how difficult you all struggle
with issues of zoning. When you do get
them in place it’s advisable to stick by them and – and follow the intent. The intent here – given the adjacent property
owners the rights that they have in granting the access to this property need
to be honored. I would respectfully
request that you deny the variance and honor their rights as adjacent property
owners. Thank you.”
Chairman Moyer – “Any questions for this party before he
leaves? Alright, thank you.”
Elizabeth Corn – “Martha Johnson.”
Martha Johnson – “I would think that it would be self
explanatory that when you refused an easement, that would mean that you didn’t
want the tower there. I mean – he said
that she – the lady refused the easement but he didn’t know whether that meant
she wanted or didn’t want the tower but I won’t sign an easement.”
Chairman Moyer – “Your property is?”
Martha Johnson – “It’s all around it. He’s right in the middle.”
Chairman Moyer – “Alright.”
Martha Johnson – “Thank you.
Chairman Moyer – “Any questions?”
William Wilkes – “Yes.
My name is William Wilkes. I’d
like to know if you did not offer to have the tower put on your property?”
Martha Johnson – “After you were gonna put it on yours. When I was first approached I said no I do
not want a tower anywhere on that land.”
Chairman Moyer – “Again, we’re getting into an area that is
not relevant to granting of the variance. I’m sorry.”
Elizabeth Corn – “Mary Mowery”
Chairman Moyer – “She passes.”
Elizabeth Corn – “That’s it”
Chairman Moyer – Alright, now we’ll give each party that wishes
a chance to make rebuttal evidence and closing comments. We’re gonna roll these
together ‘cause I don’t think there should be a lot so we’ll start with the
applicant and your closing remarks and you can address anything that’s been
Harold Timmons – “We respectfully submit that we do have
standing for you to approve or deny the variance that we have placed before
you. Uh we also are not out to be uh bad
neighbors or to cause anyone any harm.
We are just trying to pursue every avenue that we possibly can to retain
this site for this client because this client likes this location. As a matter of fact, there are two clients
that are interested in this site so it is very important to us that we at least
extend opportunity to try to pursue the ordinance to its full extent and for
every avenue that the ordinance permits us and we believe that we’ve done
that. We believe also that we have met
the provisions of 81-10 as it relates to those things that it talks about,
practical difficulties and unnecessary hardships, harmony, preserving the
spirit, public safety and welfare and we think that our proposal for keeping
this tower on this property is better than actually obtaining easements that
basically say it’s okay for you to allow, if your tower would fall it’s okay
for it to fall on my property. We think
it’s better that it stays on this property.
We’ll design it that way and we think that that actually enhances the
safety in general. Thank you.”
Chairman Moyer – “Thank you.
Staff do you have closing remarks? Ms.
Natalie Berry – “Just one comment. I would just like to submit the entire
package as evidence, that’s all.”
Chairman Moyer – “Okay, it’s submitted. Do any of the other parties have closing comments
they’d like to make? Alright.”
Someone in the audience (lady) – “Yeah, I’d like to
say something. He keeps talking about the safety of it. If he didn’t put it, there wouldn’t be a safety issue.”
Chairman Moyer – “Now the evidence has been presented and closing
remarks concluded, it would be appropriate for the Commissioners to discuss
this issue. As you know, we can decide
the matter now, we can bring it back uh what’s the Board’s pleasure? Commissioner Baldwin, would you like to speak
Commissioner Baldwin – “Well I think – I – you know – I think we
could have turned the application down from the very beginning, the fact that
it wasn’t something that deserved hearing simply because it wasn’t
appropriately filed. Had a number been
asked to be relaxed, I think we could have reviewed that issue; however, we
seemed to have waived that and we seemed to have had the hearing. So I’d like just to do the – the – the
application based on the merits of the application. Uh is the property owner here?”
Someone from the audience – “Yes.”
Commissioner Baldwin – “Could you come forward, please sir.”
Someone from the audience – “Yes sir”
Commissioner Baldwin – “Uh how large is this piece of property in
terms of square feet or acreage?”
Someone from the audience – “It’s about 1.2 acres.”
Commissioner Baldwin – “It’s 1.2 acres and what’s it currently
Someone from the audience – “I couldn’t tell you. Perhaps.”
Someone else spoke but I couldn’t tell who or what.
Commissioner Baldwin – “It’s zoned open use?”
Someone from the audience – “Yes”
Commissioner Baldwin – “OK, uh anything prohibit you from building a
house on the property?”
Someone from the audience – “No, even if the tower were there
nothing would prohibit me.”
Commissioner Baldwin – “From building a house on the property. Okay
thank you. That’s all I have.”
Chairman Moyer – “Alright.
Comments from any other Commissioners?
What’s the Board’s pleasure with respect to this matter?”
Commissioner Baldwin – “I move
that we deny the variance request based on that it does not pass uh paragraph
A-1 which says that the uh property owner can secure no reasonable return from
nor make no reasonable use of the property.
The property owner just stated that the property could be used for residential
purposes which would allow him a reasonable return on the property. It doesn’t pass the test.”
Chairman Moyer – “A motion is on the floor. Are there other comments?”
Commissioner McGrady – “I support the motion, the result of the
motion although I think there are a range of reasons, not just that one that
one might just decide to turn down the request so I’ll go for the motion but I
– I don’t think uh I want to go through any and all the reasons that I might
have and so”
David Nicholson – “Would you like …?”
Commissioner McGrady – “I would”
Russell Burrell – “Normally what would happen with a
quasi-judicial is the Board would – would make a general set of findings but
would direct staff to come back with a more extensive set of findings.”
Commissioner McGrady – “That we would then include in our consent
agenda to reflect that and that’s really what I’m – my only concern,
Commissioner Baldwin is I think that you could probably expand. I would state in my place I was on the
committee that put together this ordinance way back when. The proposal then is – I guess ironically – I
guess two of us up here were cell phone tower/company people and so I do
understand the engineering here and actually we considered that when the
ordinance was put in place – collapsible towers and all of that and despite
that the Planning Board then and the County Commission at that time decided
that it wanted this requirement in terms of easements despite the engineering
possibilities that were out there and so I’m just not persuaded despite
understanding the engineering then and now that we need to – to go this route.”
Chairman Moyer – “Motion on the floor to deny the variance for
the reasons that have been stated by several of the Commissioners and if it’s
alright, Commissioner Baldwin, we’d ask the County Attorney to draw findings of
fact consistent therewith and conclusion of law based on your motion and the
action the Board takes. Alright?”
Commissioner Baldwin – “Yup”
Chairman Moyer – “Alright,
any further discussion? All in favor of
that motion say aye.”
In unison – “Aye”.
Chairman Moyer – “Opposed”
There were none. “Alright, the
variance is turned down unanimously.”
Commissioner McGrady – “I move
we go out of public hearing if that’s – or rather the quasi-judicial hearing.”
Chairman Moyer – “Alright,
motion to go out of public hearing. All
in favor say aye.”
In unison – “Aye” (unanimous
David Nicholson reminded
the Board that at their
David Nicholson
presented the response from the Airport Authority’s Director to
Mr. Nicholson
recommended that the Board continue to support a payment in lieu of taxes on
these properties. In the case of the
current proposed purchase, this is a prime piece of commercial property. The Airport Authority recently paid the City
He could not recommend
that the Board accept the offer of an invited guest; however, they do correctly
state that the agreement would have to be changed by the City of
Following discussion, Commissioner McGrady made the motion to deny
the request to agree to the acquisition of this property. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
This item had been
removed from this agenda.
Karen Smith offered some
dates the County could use
The Commissioners
reviewed their calendars. Chairman Moyer made the motion to set the
public hearing on the 25 North Zoning Study for Monday, May 9 at
Commissioner Messer made the motion to adjourn the meeting
at approximately
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk
to the Board
William L. Moyer, Chairman