STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA                                                   BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

COUNTY OF HENDERSON                                                                                           JANUARY 25, 2005


The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building. The purpose of the meeting was a Board Retreat to discuss a Strategic Plan for the next two years.


Those present were:  Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chairman Charlie Messer, Commissioner Larry Young, Commissioner Chuck McGrady, County Manager David E. Nicholson, Assistant County Manager Justin Hembree, Acting County Attorney Russell Burrell, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn. Commissioner Shannon Baldwin arrived a little late, about 6:10 p.m.


Also present were: Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Budget and Management Director Selena Coffey,  County Engineer Gary Tweed, Finance Director J. Carey McLelland, and Deputy Clerk to the Board Amy Brantley.



Chairman Moyer called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. and welcomed all in attendance. He then turned the meeting over to the County Manager.


The Board had already received copies of the 2005 Strategic Plan in notebook form for their review.



At the Board’s mid-December meeting, Mr. Nicholson had offered staff’s assistance to develop a first draft of the Strategic Plan based on discussion of the Board.  Staff learned a lot last year from the Consultant (Steve Allen) for that retreat.  In the end, staff did most of the internal work.  Knowing what things were in the County Comprehensive Plan and in the Capital Improvements Plan as well as other projects that had been discussed, Mr. Nicholson felt staff could draft a Strategic Plan for the Board to review and revise as needed. The Management Team had taken a day and devoted most of it to the draft of this Plan.


Mr. Nicholson asked the Board to turn to the section on Plan Elements and began discussion on Goal #5:

To Implement the Projects within the Capital Improvements Program.


Chairman Moyer stressed that the introduction of the Plan was well done and makes a good statement and suggested that everyone read that individually at some point.


Strategy 5.1: Complete the Jail Demolition Project.


Action Steps:

1.                Complete planning phase. (Feb. 05)

2.                Bid project. (March 05)

3.                Award contract for project (April 05)

4.                Construction completion (Sept. 05)


Mr. Nicholson updated the Board on this project, stating that the real issue is the wall to the annex.  An engineer has looked at it and is coming back for a second look. When the annex was built it was built up against the jail.  We’re not certain if we can save that wall and what might have to be done to the annex was either to tear down the wall or to save it. Staff will develop a plan and bring it back to the Board of Commissioners for final approval. The project is still on time and we plan to bid the project in March.


Another big issue is whether we will be able to utilize federal funds if we tear down the old jail.  The Chair of the Historic Courthouse Corporation still believes that the monies will still be available to Henderson County, even if the jail is torn down.  Staff is following through on this.  Congressman Taylor has put the funds in a pot called “Save America’s Treasures”.  If we can get him to move the monies to another pot, we may not have all the “strings” associated with it.


Commissioner Baldwin arrived at this point in the meeting.


Strategy 5.2: Complete the construction of a new Animal Shelter.


Action Steps:

1.                Complete planning phase. (Feb. 05)

2.                Bid project. (March 05)

3.                Award contract for project. (April 05)

4.                Begin construction. (May 05)

5.                Complete construction. (Feb. 06)

6.                Occupy new shelter. (March 06)


Mr. Nicholson had previously given the Board an up-dated estimate; however, we are looking at a number of alternates on that facility.  Some discussion followed regarding some of the alternates. The project is currently on time.  The footprint of the building is 9,800 sq. ft.


Strategy 5.3: Complete the renovation of the Historic Courthouse.


Action Steps:

1.                Complete planning phase. (July 05)

2.                Bid project. (August 05)

3.                Award contract for project. (Sept. 05)

4.                Begin construction. (Oct. 05)

5.                Complete construction. (July 05)

6.                County Administration relocates to the Historic Courthouse (Aug. 06)


Mr. Nicholson had distributed to the Commissioner’s mailboxes this week some backup materials on this project, some first drafts of the floor plans of the Historic Courthouse. The Board had asked him to determine whether or not it was logical from a standpoint of space within the facility to move County Administration into the building as well as a significant area for historical and cultural events in the facility. He and the architects have taken a first stab at that and have determined that there is enough space within the facility to house both County Administration as well as a substantial area set aside for historical areas within the facility.  Mr. Nicholson has not yet consulted with the Historic Courthouse Corporation on these plans but will do so.  After meeting with them he will come back to the Board with a final recommendation.  Mr. Nicholson stressed that this is a first rough draft only, there will most likely be changes to it.


Mr. Nicholson also had provided for the Board two documents from the City of Hendersonville, discussed at the Board’s last meeting.  One was their streetscape plan for in front of the facility. The second was what they propose to do with parking on Church Street.


Strategy 5.4: Complete the construction of the Human Services Building.


Action Steps:

1.                Complete planning phase. (Feb. 05)

2.                Bid project. (March 05)

3.                Award contract for project. (April 05)

4.                Begin construction. (May 05)

5.                Complete construction. (May 06)

6.                Social Services, Health, and Veterans Services relocate to the new human services building. (June 06)


These plans will go to the Department of Insurance on February 1.  They have to approve a plan of this size.  The architects have met with the city staff to go through the city planning process.  The architects will provide Mr. Nicholson with a calendar tomorrow of the city approval process.  Mr. Nicholson stated that the key is to keep this project in line with the School Financing Project (Dana School Project). Staff is currently working on the financing calendar.


Strategy 5.5: Complete the Facility Transition Plan included within the Capital Improvements Program.


Action Steps:

1.                Sheriff’s Department to relocate to occupy former Administration Building. (June 06)

2.                Land Development Departments relocate to former Health Department Building. (Sept. 06)


Mr. Nicholson stated that 5.5 assumes that we will acquire the property from the Hendersonville Water Department.  Of course, the Board will have to make the final decision on that.  So really #1 should be to consider the acquisition of the City Water Department property. (March 05)


Mr. Nicholson informed the Board that we have engaged our MIA Appraiser (locally) to appraise the property.  This week we will be doing a HAZMAT Study of the building to see if there are any hazardous materials that we will have to deal with as well as a phase I Environmental Study of the property.


Chairman Moyer reminded the County Manager that that property description has changed due to the extension of the Martin Luther King Park.


Mr. Nicholson stated that due to a mix-up the City hasn’t hired their appraiser yet. 


There followed some discussion of the proposed location of the main EMS station to the Fourth Ave. & Grove Street location.


Strategy 5.6:    Complete the construction of the Solid Waste 2nd Bay of Transfer Station.


Action Steps:

1.                Award engineering contract. (March 05)

2.                Complete designs. (Oct/Nov 05)

3.                Bid project. (Nov. 05)

4.                Award construction contract. (Jan. 06)

5.                Complete construction. (Jan. 07)


Gary Tweed reminded the Board that at about the end of 2007 our construction & demolition landfill will be closing, permits are up at that timeframe and the State has informed us that they don’t want us to expand it in that area.  Mr. Tweed stated that we get about 20,000 tons per year of material that he will have to start transferring off that site.  When we opened the transfer station we ran 37,000 tons through it and we ran 63,000 tons through it last year.  We were peaked out most days.  In addition, the concrete work in the original bay needs to be resurfaced.  It has to be shut down to resurface it.  Staff proposes that we build a second bay.  The engineers are working on the contracts for their engineering services.


Strategy 5.7:    Complete relocation of the County’s EMS main station.


Action Steps:

1.         Negotiate with Pardee Hospital for financial assistance for relocation of EMS Main Station. (FY 05-06)      

2.         Analyze long-term feasibility of utilization of former City Water Department Building as EMS Main Station. (FY 05-06)

3.         If feasible, develop a plan for utilization of building and construction of ambulance bays. (FY 05-06)


Strategy 5.8:    Occupancy of the new EMS Southeastern Substation.


Action Steps:

1.                Approval of lease contract with Park Ridge Hospital for the facility. (Jan. 05)

2.                Occupy the facility. (Feb. 05)


Mr. Nicholson reminded the Board that at their last meeting they approved a lease with the Park Ridge Hospital for the new southeastern substation and during the month of February we will move in there.


Strategy 5.9:    Begin the planning and design for a multi-use recreation building.


Action Steps:

1.                Recreation Advisory Board to begin work with architect to design building. (March 05)

2.                Development of a public input plan for development of building. (March 05)

3.                Set aside funds in capital reserve for funding a PARTF grant match. (July 05)

4.                Develop a PARTF grant application for multi-use recreation building. (Nov.-Dec. 05)


Justin Hembree reminded the Board that this was a part of the CIP but is also a part of the Recreation Department Master Plan Priority List.  On that Priority List #1 were new tennis courts at Jackson Park, which have now been completed.  The tennis courts came in considerably under budget due to much of the work being done by Recreation staff and Central Services staff.


Mr. Hembree explained that staff hopes to acquire a PARTF grant to pay for about half the cost of the multi-use recreation building.


Strategy 5.10:  Development and implementation of plans for Etowah Library.


Action Steps:   

1.                Coordinate with community committee to locate possible site for new branch library in Etowah. (FY 05-06)

2.                Begin planning and design for new branch library. (FY 05-06)

3.                Bid Project. (FY 06-07)

4.                Award contract for project. (FY 06-07)

5.                Begin construction. (FY 06-07)


Justin Hembree explained that this is also in the Capital Improvement Plan.  A bequest has been set aside for a new library in the Etowah community and will be used for this project.  Fletcher and Etowah are the two branches that see the highest circulation of all the branch libraries. 


Chairman Moyer asked Mr. Nicholson to explain why Fletcher was not listed in the CIP for replacement.

David Nicholson explained that the Fletcher Library is a high priority and that we only own the footprint of the building that we are in at the Fletcher Library. In actuality it is owned by the Foundation. All the property, all the way around the library, is still owned by the family that let us have the footprint.  So the chance of expanding that facility is not good.  Henderson County Staff has been working with the Town of Fletcher Staff regarding their new Town Center (Heart of Fletcher) and Fletcher has offered land to build a new library as part of that complex. 


Strategy 5.11:  Development and implementation of plans for Tuxedo Library & Park.


Action Steps:   

1.                Await decision by County Board of Education to declare the current Tuxedo School property as surplus. (Spring 05)

2.                Collaborate with the Library Board of Trustees and the Recreation Advisory Board to determine possible uses for the Tuxedo property. (FY 05-06)

3.                Demolition of former school buildings. (FY 05-06)

4.                Begin planning and design for project. (FY 05-06)

5.                Bid project. (FY 06-07)

6.                Begin construction. (FY 06-07)


Justin Hembree informed the Board that this project has been included in the Capital Improvement Plan.  We are awaiting a decision from the Board of Education to declare the current property there, the old Tuxedo School as surplus.  At that  point, there will be a collaborative effort between the Library Board of Trustees and the Recreation Advisory Board what the possible and best uses are for the property. Staff from the Recreation Department and the Library have already been collaborating.


Strategy 5.12:  Continue collaboration with Public Schools and Community College representatives to finalize and implement facility plans.


Action Steps:

1.                Continue to work with the Joint School Facilities Meetings to discuss Public Schools’ projects. (Jan. 05)

2.                Create a Joint Community College Facility Committee. (Feb. 05)

3.                Work collaboratively with both entities to develop financing packages for facility construction. (FY 05-06)


There was some discussion at the last Joint Facilities Meeting that the School Projects had grown from $5.5 million to $13 million, partly due to the soil problems at the current Hillandale School site.     

Karen Smith reminded the Board that we would be reviewing the Comprehensive Plan a little later but there are several strategies here that address the coordination of planning on both the school sites, recreation sites, transportation, and other issues, even with what we have in place there is room to do more.


There was discussion about fund balance and about indebtedness.



Karen Smith introduced a new staff member to the Board, Lori Sand, who is the staff responsible to implement the issues associated with the CCP (County Comprehensive Plan).


Karen Smith reviewed the next 23 items with the Board:


Goal I of Plan Elements: To implement Phase I of the 2020 County Comprehensive Plan.


Goal I strategies were taken from the County Comprehensive Plan (CCP). The strategies within the Strategic Plan are listed as “recommendations” [presented in brackets] within the CCP.  Because the Strategic Plan represents the County’s short-term work plan, only phase I and ongoing action strategies from the CCP are included within this document.  Target dates for all action steps are presented in parentheses.


Strategy 1.1:    Support the development of the industrial sector of the economy by implementing the recommendations of the Lockwood Greene Study. [E-01]


Action Steps:

1.                Work with the Partnership for Economic Development and other entities to implement elements of the Lockwood Greene Study. [E-01-A] (FY 05-06, Ongoing)

a.                Increase the supply of prepared industrial sites and buildings, and make them available on a cost competitive basis. (Ongoing)


Mr. Nicholson informed the Board that he had been having some discussions with the folks from the Chamber of Commerce and the Partnership for Economic Development about an Industrial Park issue.  They are working on a proposal to bring to the Board of Commissioners. The issue of increasing our supply of industrial parks is something the Chamber and the Partnership are taking very seriously. 


2.                Conduct a Countywide Industrial/Commercial Zoning Study.[E-01-B] (FY 04-05)


There was some discussion of what the Board could do immediately to help protect some industrial properties in our community.  Staff will bring a recommendation back to the Board at the next Board meeting.


Strategy 1.2:    Support the development of the commercial sector. [E-02]


Action Steps:

1.      Explore ways to support and expand programs and policies that promote local businesses and locally produced products. [E-02-C] (Ongoing)


Strategy 1.3:    Promote appropriate, compatible tourism. [E-03]


Action Steps:   

1.      Participate in the development of a Heritage Tourism Plan. [E-03-D] (FY 04-05)


Strategy 1.4:    Pursue innovative approaches to regional economic development initiatives. [E-04]


Action Steps:

1.                Identify and act upon opportunities for joint economic development projects with municipalities, neighboring jurisdictions, and area economic development entities. [E-04-E] (Ongoing)

2.                Take a leadership role in developing the Asheville Regional Airport and its vicinity as a regional center of economic activity. [E-04-F] (Ongoing)

3.                Identify any economically distressed areas of the county and explore revitalization measures. [E-04-G] (Ongoing, During community planning process)

4.                Pursue legislation and solicit regional and statewide support to further economic development initiatives. [E-04-H] (Ongoing)

5.                Continue to budget funds annually for economic development initiatives. [E-04-I] (Ongoing)


Strategy 1.5:    Reduce Farmland Loss. [A-01]


Action Steps:   

1.      Promote and expand voluntary agricultural districts to minimize land use conflicts and to protect farmers’ right to farm. [A-01-B] (Ongoing)

2.      Ensure that County-funded economic development programs and projects support farmland protection. [A-01-C] (Ongoing)


Strategy 1.6:    Expand access for agricultural enterprises to economic development and tourism promotion programs and support services. [A-02]


Action Steps:

1.                Explore ways to make County economic development incentives more readily available to agriculture-related businesses. [A-02-D] (FY 05-06)

2.                Provide maximum benefits under Present Use Valuation Taxation program. [A-02-E] (FY 06-07)

3.                Provide Ongoing training and technical assistance to farmers. [A-02-F] (Ongoing)

4.                Promote agricultural products that are produced in Henderson County. [A-02-G] (Ongoing)

5.                Identify an agricultural proponent or facilitator. [A-02-H] (FY 05-06)


Strategy 1.7:    Minimize the potential for damage to personal property, infrastructure, and life due to flooding. [N-01]


Action Steps:

1.                Adopt a Flood Hazard Prevention Ordinance. [N-01-A] (FY 04-05)

2.                Enforce the Flood Hazard Prevention Ordinance. (FY 05-06)

3.                Investigate measures to maintain the open and free flow of all perennial streams in the county. [N-01-B] (Ongoing)

4.                Consider participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. {N-01-A] (FY 05-06)


Strategy 1.8:    Protect Water Quality. [N-02]


Action Steps:

1.                Support water quality protection and restoration programs in Henderson County. [N-02-C] (Ongoing)

2.                Identify and incorporate Sedimentation and Erosion Control standards and requirements into County land development ordinances. [N-02-D] (FY 05-06)

3.                Begin enforcement of Sedimentation and Erosion Control standards within County land development ordinances. (FY 06-07)

4.                Identify and incorporate Stormwater Management standards and requirements into County land development ordinances. [N-02-E] (FY 05-06)

5.                Begin enforcement of Stormwater Management standards within County land development ordinances. (FY 06-06)


Strategy 1.9:    Promote development patterns that respect sensitive mountainous areas. [N-03]


Action Steps:

1.                Maintain current protected mountain ridge requirements and improve enforcement. [CCPGMS] (Ongoing)


Strategy 1.10:  Identify and implement measures to protect the region’s air quality. [N-04]


Action Steps:

1.                Implement Early Action Compact plan elements for Henderson County [N-04-A] (Ongoing)


Strategy 1.11:  Protect key sites of historical and cultural significance from development. [N-05]


Action Steps:

1.                Amend CCP Implementation Schedule to accommodate current cemetery issues. (March 05)

2.                Conduct an inventory of historic/culturally significant sites/structures, as related to cemetery issues. [N-05-A] (FY 05-06) 

Karen Smith stated that #2 may get done a little sooner due to the recent formation of the Cemetery Committee and staff working with them.


Strategy 1.12:  Meet recreation needs through 2020. [R-01]


Action Steps:

1.                Create a countywide recreation master plan. [R-01-A] (FY 06-07)

2.                Utilize “Level of Service” analysis in recreation planning. [R-01-B] (Ongoing)

3.                Enhance recreational space requirements within land development ordinances. [R-01-C] (FY 05-06)

4.                Integrate public schools and recreation planning. [R-01-D] (Ongoing)


Strategy 1.13:  Form a community and regional greenway network [R-02]


Action Steps:

1.                Integrate recreation and transportation planning. [R-02-E] (Ongoing)

2.                Develop a strategy for the reuse of rail lines in Henderson County. [R-02-F] (FY 05-06)


Commissioner Baldwin raised the subject of establishing a regional rail system, commuter train.


Strategy 1.14:  Identify and act upon practical options for inter-local cooperation and consolidation in recreation planning, funding, and management. [R-03]


Action Steps:

1.                Identify Staff responsible for grant acquisition. [R-03-G] (FY 05-06)

2.                Promote the county’s recreation infrastructure as an economic asset. [R-03-H] (Ongoing)


Strategy 1.15:  Promote a diverse range of home ownership and rental opportunities. [H-01]


Action Steps:

1.                Participate in the development of a countywide affordable housing plan. [H-01-C] (FY 05-06)

2.                Develop a formal fair housing complaint procedure. [H-01-D] (FY 04-05)

3.                Continue participation in the scattered site rehabilitation program and other similar federally and state-funded programs. [H-01-F] (Ongoing)

4.                Develop a, or support an existing, housing information center. [H-01-G] (FY 06-07)

5.                Lead the establishment of an affordable housing trust fund. [H-01-H] (FY 05-06)


Strategy 1.16:  Develop and maintain a high-quality transportation network, and continue to provide leadership at every level in transportation planning. [T-01]


Action Steps:

1.                Adopt and implement a multi-modal transportation plan. [T-01-A] (FY 05-06)

2.                Identify and incorporate access management standards and requirements into County land development ordinances. [T-01-B] (FY 04-05)

3.                Continue to support public transportation in Henderson County. [T-01-C] (Ongoing)

4.                Integrate recreation and transportation planning. [T-01-D] (Ongoing)

5.                Continue active leadership of, and participation in, the French Broad River Metropolitan Planning Organization (FBRMPO). [T-01-E] (Ongoing)


Justin Hembree announced that Beverly Williams will be at the TAC meeting on Thursday to present the highway portion of the transportation plan. 


Strategy 1.17:  Take a leadership role in sewer and water planning and work towards the regionalization of water and sewer policy-making and operations. [SW-01]


Action Steps:

1.                Support the development of a countywide sewer and water master plan. [SW-01-A] (FY 04-05)

2.                Formalize and solidify the role of the LGCCA Joint Sewer & Water Advisory Council. [SW-01-B] (FY 05-06)

3.                Integrate schools and sewer/water planning. [SW-01-E] (Ongoing)

4.                Prioritize extensions to economic development sites. [SW-01-F] (FY 05-06)



Strategy 1.18:  Maintain existing policies and programs, and explore further measures, to protect and enhance the quality of public drinking water sources. [SW-02]


Action Steps:

1.                Continue to identify areas of septic failure and addressing these through existing remediation programs and through the countywide sewer and water master plan. [SW-02-H] (Ongoing)


Strategy 1.19:  Take a leadership role in school facilities planning. [PS-01]


Action Steps:

1.                Continue to participate in the Joint Schools Facilities Committee. (Ongoing)


Strategy 1.20:  Promote schools to function as focal points for communities. [PS-02]


Action Steps:

1.                Develop a long-range public school facilities master plan. [PS-02-A] (FY 06-07)

2.                Consider incorporating mechanisms that link public school capacity and long-range public schools master plans to the land development permitting process into County land development ordinances. [PS-02-B] (FY 06-07)

3.                Establish site selection criteria for new schools and site design criteria for all schools. [PS-01-C] (FY 05-06)


Strategy 1.21:  To direct growth to areas where essential services and infrastructure are present, and protect sensitive natural areas and key historic/cultural resources from extensive development. [GMS-01]


Action Steps:

1.                Manage land uses according to the Growth Management Strategy and the Future Land Use Map. [GMS-01-A] (Ongoing)

2.                Develop a Land Development Code (i.e. Zoning Ordinance Rewrite). (FY 05-06)

a.                Consolidate existing land development ordinances into a single Land Development Code (i.e. Zoning Ordinance Re-write). [GMS-01-B]

b.                Incorporate principles from the Growth Management Strategy into a new Land Development Code. [GMS-01-C]

c.                Revise County ordinances to allow the private sector to develop a broad range of housing choices. [H-01-A]

d.                Maintain an adequate supply of land zoned to allow the placement of manufactured housing in appropriate areas, and improve the appearance, quality, design, and maintenance of manufactured homes and the lots and manufactured home parks in which they are located. [H-01-B]

3.                Adopt and begin enforcing the Land Development Code. [GMS-01] (FY 06-07)


Strategy 1.22:  Coordinate planning with the county’s municipalities and other governments within the region. [GMS-02]


Action Steps:   

1.      Present the Henderson County 2020 Comprehensive Plan to the county’s municipalities, and obtain their support and suggestions for improvement. [GMS-02-D] (FY 04-05 – FY 05-06)

2.      Develop a Joint land Use Planning Program with the municipalities, administered through the LGCCA. [GMS-02-E] (FY 05-06)

3.      Study the use and application of impact fees and other alternative revenue sources in order to support service provision and to reduce the impacts of growth upon the property tax rate. [GMS-02-F] (FY 04-05)


Strategy 1.23:  Begin community planning process. [CCP, Section 4, Implementation Steps]


Action Steps:

1.                Amend CCP Implementation Schedule in order to accommodate for the completion of the Land Development Code. (March 05)

2.                Begin the NC 191 South/Mills River East small area plan. (FY 05-06)

3.                Begin the Etowah/Horseshoe/Mills River South small area plan. (FY 05-06)

4.                Begin the East Flat Rock/Upward Road small area plan. (FY 06-07)

5.                Begin the Howard Gap Road small area plan. (FY 06-07)


David Nicholson reviewed Goal #2 with the Board.

Goal #2: To improve service delivery to the County’s citizens via technology enhancements.


Strategy 2.1:    Develop a funding plan to upgrade the current wireless emergency communications system.


Action Steps:

1.                Research options for upgrading the current wireless communications system. (Jan 05 – July 06)

2.                Determine the resources necessary to upgrade the current communications system. (Aug 06 – Aug 07)

3.                Begin building reserves for the system. (Begin July 05, Ongoing)

4.                Develop a timeline for implementation. (Begin Aug 07)


Rocky Hyder explained that the Communications Committee is currently working on a communication system for our emergency respondents, looking to the future.  We don’t know what kind of system we need right now.  We know some elements that we want to be part of our system.  We know that we want to have voice communications as well as data, as well as video and we want tracking systems for our law enforcement officers so if we’re not able to be in touch with them we can send units out to back them up.  There are a lot of elements that have been identified that we know we want as part of the system.  Right now it is uncertain as to even what frequency that this system may be on because of activities at the federal and the state level.  It’s almost foolish to aggressively pursue a project right now because the state and the federal government have to decide what the frequency is going to be that we will be able to work within. Mr. Hyder stated that this is a project forthcoming that will require a substantial amount of funding as a capital project. Some funding streams have been identified that may be addressed early so that we can begin to build capital reserves for the project.


Strategy 2.2:    Update the County’s Strategic Information Technology Plan (SITP) to enhance services to the County’s citizens.


Action Steps:

1.                Research options for technology enhancements such as County extranet and intranet (July 05)

2.                Present SITP for review. (Dec 05)

3.                Budget for technology enhancements. (June 06)

4.                Implement technology enhancements. (July 06 – June 07)


Selena Coffey reviewed these action steps with the Board explaining the difference between extranet and intranet.


Goal 3: To improve the County’s financial position.


Strategy 3.1:    Increase the amount of undesignated fund balance to a minimum of 12%.


Action Steps:   

1.                Research examples of fund balance policy statements. (Feb 05)

2.                Determine practical methods for improving fund balance reserves. (Feb. 05)

3.                Draft fund balance policy statement. (March 05)

4.                Adopt/implement policy statement. (April 05)


Strategy 3.2:    Develop a debt issuance policy.


Action Steps:

1.                Research other entities’ policy examples. (Feb 05)

2.                Draft policy statement. (March 05)

3.                Submit for Board Review and approval. (March 05)

4.                Monitor for compliance annually during budget process and development of CIP. (Ongoing)

Carey McLelland reviewed the items in Goal 3 with the Board.


Goal 4: To evaluate County programs in context of the mission statement and service delivery expectations


Strategy 4.1:    Implement the Compensation & Classification Study.


Action Steps:

1.                Review draft of study including implementation plan. (March 05)

2.                Evaluate implementation plan in terms of budgetary implications. (April 05)

3.                Incorporate Project Team recommendations in FY 05-06 County Manager’s Recommended Budget. (April 05)

4.                Board of Commissioners’ review of recommendation during budget process. (May – June 05)

5.                Implementation of study. (July 05)


Mr. Nicholson is expecting the draft in March.


Strategy 4.2:    Develop a plan to address service delivery needs for the non-English speaking population.


Action Steps:

1.                Assess departmental interactions with non-English speaking population to determine level of language barriers. (July – Sept 05)

2.                Research options to improve service delivery to this population. (Sept 05-Oct 05)

3.                Implement strategies to improve service delivery to this population. (Oct 05)


Russell Burrell reviewed this section with the Board, stating that we are facing a legal requirement that has existed for some of our departments since 2000.  It is now moving into any federally funded program that we have.  If you have any federal funds at all in a program, that program has to provide effective services to people of limited English proficiency in your community.  Social Services departments and all the Human Service Agencies have gone through that from time to time.  Now it is required in all the federally funded programs.  The federal government requires us to study it and come up with a plan to carry it out.


Strategy 4.3:    Develop a plan to address service delivery needs for the County’s aging population.     


Action Steps:

1.                Review regional plan in light of local levels of “aging” population. (Oct 05)

2.                Establish local responsibilities for planning and providing advice to Board of Commissioners and Social Services Board on aging issues. (Dec 05)

3.                Assess local service needs for aging populace.  (Sept – Oct 05)

4.                Create a plan for meeting service needs. (FY 06-07)


Russ Burrell had discussed this county need with Liston Smith of the Social Services Department. Mr. Burrell stated that the fastest growing single segment of the population is the “Baby Boomers”.  Those baby boomers are turning 60 this year and in five years will be 65.  This is our chance to deal with the issue proactively before it gets to be the big problem that it will be.  Somewhere down the road it will be the big problem that this Board faces as our population continues to age.


Strategy 4.4:    Develop a Central Enforcement & Permitting Plan.


Action Steps:

1.                Develop goals and objectives for Central Enforcement & Permitting Department. (Jan 05)

2.                Develop plan for centralized permitting process to include cross-training of functions. (July 05)

3.                Incorporate Central Enforcement & Permitting process into facility transition plans. (Jan 05 – Sept 06)

4.                Fully implement Centralized Enforcement & Permitting process. (Sept 06)


Strategy 4.5:    Perform a general countywide ordinance review.


Action Steps:

1.                Develop staff focus groups to review assigned ordinances. (July 05)

2.                Develop possible revisions to ordinances. (July 05 - June 06)

3.                Present revisions to Board for review and adoption. (Aug 05 – July 06)


Goal 5: To implement the projects within the Capital Improvements Program


Strategy 5.1:    Complete the Jail Demolition Project.


Action Steps:

1.                Complete planning phase. (Feb 05)

2.                Bid project (March 05)

3.                Award contract for project (April 05)

4.                Construction completion. (Sept 05)


Strategy 5.2:    Complete the construction of a new Animal Shelter.


Action Steps:

1.                Complete planning phase. (Feb 05)

2.                Bid project. (march 05)

3.                Award contract for project. (April 05)

4.                Begin construction. (May 05)

5.                Complete construction. (Feb 06)

6.                Occupy new shelter. (March 06)


Strategy 5.3:    Complete the renovation of the Historic Courthouse.


Action Steps:

1.                Complete planning phase. (July 05)

2.                Bid project. (August 05)

3.                Award contract for project. (Sept 05)

4.                Begin construction. (Oct 05)

5.                Complete construction. (July 06)

6.                County Administration relocates to the Historic Courthouse. (August 06)


Strategy 5.4:    Complete the construction of the Human Services Building.


Action Steps:

1.                Complete planning phase. (Feb 05)

2.                Bid project. (March 05)

3.                Award contract for project. (April 05)

4.                Begin construction. (May 05)

5.                Complete construction. (May 06)

6.                Social Services, Health, and Veterans Services relocate to the new human services building. (June 06)


Strategy 5.5:    Complete the Facility Transition Plan included within the Capital Improvements Program.


Action Steps:

1.                Sheriff’s Department to relocate to occupy former Administration Building. (June 06)

2.                Land Development Departments relocate to former Health Department building. (Sept 06)


Strategy 5.6:    Complete the construction of the Solid Waste 2nd Bay of Transfer Station.

Action Steps:

1.                Award engineering contract. (March 05)

2.                Complete designs. (Oct/Nov 05)

3.                Bid project. (Nov 05)

4.                Award construction contract. (Jan 06)

5.                Complete construction. (Jan 07)


Strategy 5.7:    Complete relocation of the County’s EMS main station.


Action Steps:

1.                Negotiate with Pardee Hospital for financial assistance for relocation of EMS Main Station. (FY 05-06)

2.                Analyze long-term feasibility of utilization of former City Water Department Building as EMS Main Station (FY 05-06)

3.                If feasible, develop a plan for utilization of building and construction of ambulance bays. (FY 05-06)


Strategy 5.8:    Occupancy of the new EMS Southeastern Substation.


Action Steps:

1.                Approval of lease contract with Park Ridge Hospital for the facility. (Jan 05)

2.                Occupy the facility. (Feb 05)


Strategy 5.9:    Begin the planning and design for a multi-use recreation building.


Action Steps:

1.                Recreation Advisory Board to begin work with architect to design building. (March 05)

2.                Development of a public input plan for development of building. (March 05)

3.                Set aside funds in capital reserve for funding a PARTF grant match. (July 05)

4.                Develop a PARTF grant application for multi-use recreation building. (Nov – Dec 05)


Strategy 5.10:  Development and implementation of plans for Etowah Library.


Action Steps:

1.                Coordinate with community committee to locate possible site for new branch library in Etowah. (FY 05-06)

2.                Begin planning and design for new branch library. (FR 05-06)

3.                Bid project. (FY 06-07)

4.                Award contract for project. (FY 06-07)

5.                Begin construction. (FY 06-07)


Strategy 5.11:  Development and implementation of plans for Tuxedo Library & Park.


Action Steps:

1.                Await decision by County Board of Education to declare the current Tuxedo School property as surplus. (Spring 05)

2.                Collaborate with the Library Board of Trustees and the Recreation Advisory Board to determine possible uses for the Tuxedo property. (FY 05-06)

3.                Demolition of former school buildings. (FY 05-06)

4.                Begin planning and design for project. (FY 05-06)

5.                Bid project. (FY 06-07)

6.                Begin construction. (FY 06-07)


Strategy 5.12:  Continue collaboration with Public Schools and Community College representatives to finalize and implement facility plans.


Action Steps:   

1.                Continue to work with the Joint School Facilities Meetings to discuss Public Schools’ projects. (Jan 05)

2.                Create a Joint Community College Facility Committee. (Feb 05)

3.                Work collaboratively with both entities to develop financing packages for facility construction (FY 05-06)


Goal 6: To pursue joint efforts for intergovernmental, public-private, and regional partnerships.


Strategy 6.1:    Incorporate the elements of the Water and Sewer Master Plan.


Action Steps:

1.                Complete draft of plan. (FY 05-06)

2.                Review plan in terms of compliance with county plans. (FY 05-06)

3.                Prioritize implementation steps. (FY 05-06)

4.                Board adoption. (FY 05-06)

5.                Determine monitoring process. (FY 06-07)


Gary Tweed reviewed these items with the Board.


Strategy 6.2:    Implement the current Solid Waste Management Plan.


Action Steps:

1.                Secure proposals for hauling and disposal of municipal solid waste. (July 05)

2.                Negotiate long term contracts for municipal solid waste management. (Sept 05)

3.                Execute contract. (Oct 05)


Gary Tweed reviewed these items with the Board. He is already in discussions with Waste Management regarding our expiring contract with them at the end of 2006. 


Strategy 6.3:    Cooperate with other entities to address crisis stabilization for mental health services.


Action Steps:

1.                Monitor manner in which the County’s Maintenance of Effort (MOE) funds are being expended. (Ongoing)

2.                Work through Western Highlands to develop a plan for implementing a crisis stabilization system to address the reduction of beds in state mental institutions. (Jan 05 – Jan 06)


Justin Hembree reviewed these items with the Board.  This Board has awarded grants to three agencies.  The agency that received the majority of those funds, Mountain Laurel which is a direct service provider of mental health services and the services that they were to provide with those MOE funds were to address crisis stabilization. The funds were provided for this current fiscal year.  The grant program will seek applications each year for the grants on a fiscal year basis.


Strategy 6.4:    Address the Regional Water Agreement issues.


Action Steps:
            1.         Review current agreement in terms of dissolution of water authority. (Jan 05)

            2.         Begin negotiations with City of Asheville regarding agreement. (Feb 05)

3.         Reach resolution to issue. (Feb. – June 05)       


Commissioner Young stated that the City of Asheville has the indebtedness all by themselves on the water plant and the production is down.  He stated that you can’t expect Asheville to be too willing to come to the Board if we’re (Buncombe County and Henderson County) not going to be willing to help them with their problem.  He feels that we need to because this water is life or death to Henderson County, especially in the areas that we’re talking about industrial development.


Commissioner Young recommended to the Board that Chairman Moyer, Nathan Ramsey, and Charles Worley sit down and try to negotiate a financial deal where we would create a true Water Authority by Henderson County taking a third of the debt, Buncombe County taking a third of the debt, and Asheville a third of the debt so that we can get back on equal footing and each representative of the Water Authority have an equal say. This way we could supply water to a lot of people at a cheaper rate because we would all work together and get the production of that plant up. Commissioner Young feels that this all hinges on the production of the plant. He felt this would be much better than going to the Legislators to get it done and creating enemies.


Chairman Moyer agreed with Commissioner Young and committed to give the Board an update at the next Board meeting of what has happened and his prognosis of what will happen.


Strategy 6.5:    Address the cable franchise renewal process.


Action Steps:

1.                Present charter to the LGCCA. (Jan 05)

2.                Present committee charter revisions to Board for approval (Feb 05)

3.                Appoint committee members to work with staff and consultant throughout informal negotiation period. (March 05)


David Nicholson stated that he had received a clear answer from all the municipalities except Fletcher about the role of doing all the franchise at one time.  He has redone the charter for the committee.  He will put that on the agenda for the Board’s next meeting.  If the Board approves the charter, we will proceed with getting municipal participation and proceed on with the process.


Strategy 6.6:    Address the issue of Henderson County’s participation in the Airport Authority Board.


Action Steps:

1.                Enter into negotiations with Airport Authority Board regarding County participation. (Jan – Feb 05)


Strategy 6.7:    Begin the process of transitioning into direct sub recipient of transit program.


Action Steps:

1.                Negotiate funding agreement with NCDOT for state support of local public transit system. (Jan 05 – Mar 05)

2.                Review and execute formal contract with federal government. (April 05)

3.                Develop the resources necessary to carry out program. (April 05)


Justin Hembree explained that this is going through the process that the Board approved in terms of the proposal that was sent to NCDOT to begin the process of transitioning into being a sub-recipient through the federal transit programs.  The Board’s proposal has been sent to NCDOT Public Transit.  We are waiting to hear back from them in terms of whether that proposal is acceptable or not.  There may be some negotiations that go on in the next couple of months.  There will be contracts executed with the federal government and then we will develop the resources and the plan that will transition this process.  This will likely be a three-year process.


Chairman Moyer thanked the staff for this presentation and their efforts. He opened up discussions to the Board for possible additions.


Commissioner McGrady wished to add the elections issue regarding early voting and election equipment.  He stated that we clearly have a problem with the early voting process.  Beyond that we have a problem with the equipment.


David Nicholson has had several conversations about these issues with Beverly Cunningham, Elections Director.  He asked that staff be allowed to research these issues and include it in the Strategic Plan because it will have to be dealt with in the next year or two. 


Commissioner McGrady also raised the issue regarding the Clerk of Court, Tommy Thompson’s issue relating to a new judge and space in the courthouse for him and court.  Mr. Thompson has expressed that this is a near-term issue. It involves some level of staff resources.


Mr. Nicholson stated that the issue is we are getting another Judge and need to look at a fourth courtroom.  He has spoken with Mr. Thompson about the issue and has since met with staff to discuss it.  Mr. Nicholson feels that the work that needs done can be done by county staff.  We will likely be able to internally turn one room into another courtroom.  He expects the cost will be fairly minimal since we will be using county staff to do the work.


Chairman Moyer felt that the Strategic Plan should include all the issues mentioned and how we will be addressing them. Now that the Board has had this Strategic Plan presentation from staff, the Board will be given time to review the Plan itself. He asked that the County Manager put this on the next agenda for action by the Board.



Commissioner Young made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:54 p.m.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.





Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to the Board                           William L. Moyer, Chairman